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Established Member
6 Nov 2023
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I used to cut my hair every three or even four weeks. Some time ago I felt the need to increase it to every two weeks. It looked a bit long today so I gave it a trim, I’d only cut it ten days ago. Anyone else have this issue? I suppose it could be worse, I could be bald, wouldn’t want that this time of year. 😨 😆
I used to cut my hair every three or even four weeks. Some time ago I felt the need to increase it to every two weeks. It looked a bit long today so I gave it a trim, I’d only cut it ten days ago. Anyone else have this issue? I suppose it could be worse, I could be bald, wouldn’t want that this time of year. 😨 😆
I’m the other way around. Usually two or three months between cuts.
My Mrs does mine every few weeks, no 3 all over followed by no 2 up the sides and back. I have very fine hair follicles and MPB ....... I can't even grow a proper beard and I'm not a young man! :)
When I shave my face each morning, I continue over the top of my head.

Keeps everything tidy. :)
So do I but only three or four times a year.


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I'm 62. I cut mine this morning, No 4 all over and No 3 on sides. It used to be No 3 all over and No 2 on sides. Time frame seems to be about the same as when I started doing my own in my late 30's, about 6-8 weeks, but hair is thinner and hence change in cutters.

Haven't shaved for years, just have # 1 cut all round, apart from the center parting big strip which gets a quick buff...
Any buffing product? Someone on here swears by peacock oil for a great shine!
My wife now does mine every 2-3 weeks. Just a No. 3 all over, nothing special.
She insists after a school-boy error on my part last summer when I removed the No.3 guard to tidy up the old side-burners but then forgot to put it back on for a final buzz over….
I ended up with a nice, neat bald track up the middle of my bonce.
Much like a reverse Mohican, if you like.
I didn’t mind shaving it all off and quite liked it TBH but the fact that my face and neck was slightly tanned and my nut was much paler made me look like I’d been dipped into a tin of white gloss paint.
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After the demise of my Braun hair trimmer I bought a Kemei Round hair trimmer, so much easier, would highly recommend it, link at the bottom of this post.

What I have noticed in my advancing years is an increase in the rate of finger and toe nail growth?
I know when my toenails need cutting - my big toe nails cut the lacing on my moccasins! And what a stuggle it is to cut 'em. I now use my 'rail cutters' from my ex-model railroad days!

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