A guy at work came in one day with a nearly bald groove up the back of his head, the guide had fallen off! We only took the micky out of him over that for a couple of months.My wife now does mine every 2-3 weeks. Just a No. 3 all over, nothing special.
She insists after a school-boy error on my part last summer when I removed the No.3 guard to tidy up the old side-burners but then forgot to put it back on for a final buzz over….
I ended up with a nice, neat bald track up the middle of my bonce.
Much like a reverse Mohican, if you like.
I didn’t mind shaving it all off and quite liked it TBH but the fact that my face and neck was slightly tanned and my nut was much paler made me look like I’d been dipped into a tin of white gloss paint.