Still waking up not dead in the morning
Yep. Thus my point earlier about the vast majority of UK citizens wanting to keep the genie in the bottle. Once it's out it will be virtually impossible, as in the USA, to put it back in again.Gun ownership to discourage intruders will simply encourage intruders to go armed.
btw: I used to shoot at a range here in Bournemouth, before the post-Hungerford legislation, so I'm not speaking from complete ignorance when it comes to firearms. The first time I held a rifle was in Hong Kong when I was five in 1956. It was a service issue Lee-Enfield .303 that my RAF Dad was issued with during the Double Ten riots and kept under his bed. He told me under NO circumstances was I to touch it, so of course I took to first opportunity, when he was out, to sneak in there and play cowboys and indians with it. It was unloaded and, fortunately, he never told me where he had hidden the ammunition.

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