Grrrrrrrrrrr....lla glue

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Established Member
13 Jun 2017
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Had a little job to do this afternoon, hunted for - and found! - the bottle of Gorilla Glue.
Incredibly strong.
100% waterproof.
For the Toughest Jobs on Planet Earth....

It's been down in the cellar for a couple of years, since I last used it. You don't use a lot, so it's virtually full.

It's solid.
You could hammer a nail with it.
The bottle even made cracking noises when I squeezed it.
"Dearie me", I said to the wife when I returned to the living quarters, "Dearie me, light of my life....this glue has solidified within the container"
"Heavens above!" she retorted, "I remember being with you when you bought it - I think I commented how pricey it seemed for the job you wanted to use it on..."
"Yes, dear heart. You did indeed comment. For some time, I recall...."

"Still", she continued, "I also remember you buying a back-up bottle when 'twas on offer a few weeks later. I think I probably pointed out that you'd already purchased one...."
"Yes, dear. You did...."

So the hunt was on!
Yes! The shed!
I fixed one of the outside light fittings with it a few months ago.....

It's also solid.
Bloody hell.
Rant over.
Have had many similar experiences with various things over the years and my Darling wife is only too happy to resurrect pretty much every single one of them , it is uncanny how they never forget.:LOL:
You could try placing it in a bowl of warm water (the glue not your wife) and you may have some success,but most glues have a limited shelf life so you will probably have to buy more, only this time don't tell the Mrs.
Gave up buying PU in bottles years ago. I now use a cartridge and gun. More convenient and lasts much longer. Years ago you used to be able to buy plastic bottles with concertina sides, These were to keep photography chemicals which would degrade when exposed to air. The idea was to collapse the bottle as the contents were used. I'm surprise some enterprising soul doesn't pack PU in these
I remember when PU glue first came on the scene back in the 90's, Balcotan was the first one, later it was rebranded as Semparoc. Then some bright spark had the idea "Lets put it in tiny bottles with a picture of a hairy arsed ape on it & call it gorrilla glue then we can sell it for ten times the price!".
A triumph of marketing for a product that actually isnt that good for sticking things together.
Gave up buying PU in bottles years ago. I now use a cartridge and gun. More convenient and lasts much longer. Years ago you used to be able to buy plastic bottles with concertina sides, These were to keep photography chemicals which would degrade when exposed to air. The idea was to collapse the bottle as the contents were used. I'm surprise some enterprising soul doesn't pack PU in these
but then they couldnt sell you another bottle 'cause the first one has gone solid..........
I had the same problem with Gorilla glue ! However I contacted the “help line” and they advised you can resurrect it by warming the bottle in very hot water, I did so and it worked. Not really too happy with the product and if I was going to use it I would buy the smallest that would do the job !

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