Grinding wheels

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Established Member
6 Aug 2005
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Hi ev'ryone,
Sorry I have not been on for a long time but I have had a few (medical) issues to deal with. :(
Anyway. A few years ago I saw a Creusen grinder that had a rubber wheel inpregnated with something ( I know not what) but it was the most effective sharpening tool I have ever seen. I was in touch with axminster a while ago about this, and they had no idea.
I know what I saw but I'm damned if I can remember where the fella said he got it from, or even who made them. :? ](*,)
Have any of you knowledgable lot any ideas. I hope so. As I need to get cracking again. And get the rust out of these tired bones. And most definately from under the feet of SWMBO.
Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give.
Trev :) :)
I haven't seen rubber wheels but you can get hard felt wheels, either flat edge or profiled for honing/stropping. You can even make one out of MDF and load it with honing compound. I made an MDF wheel, which I mounted in my drill press, and loaded it with Autosol chrome polish. It will certainly polish chisel backs to a mirror like finish. Whether they are truely flat or not is another matter.
Hi all,

George: Thanks for the input, have learnt something there with the MDF.
but it definately was hard impregnated rubber.

Spadge: No, it wasn't that one though it does look like a good do. appreciate the input though. Thanks.

Nick: Now this certainly looks more like it, and it was sort of a reddish colour like in the photo, but I could have sworn that it was at least 6" whereas this set up at Ashley Iles is only 4" But I will certainly investigate this further.
Absolutely magic you guys, many many thanks.
Trev. :whistle: :D
Hi ... 7291-10539

I am fairly sure this is the one I had when I built my rocking horse, 4" dia.(have a feeling it's the ashley isles one) I still have it and it does work very well for touching up tools, followed by the cotton mop loaded with polishing compound. Two things to know 1) the wheel must be trued after fitting to your grinder using a hard grinder dresser, as they are not round. 2) Just in case you are not made aware, you need to make the grinder run in reverse, away from you. Not as hard as it sounds usually just unbolt base and turn motor 180 degrees and rotate guards to suit. If you don't nasty things will happen when tool contacts wheel :)

Cheers Alan

Cratex makes a huge range of rubberized polishing products that fit everything from Dremel and Foredom to bench grinders along with assorted sticks and rods for hand polishing. Contact them through the above link and see if they have distribution in Europe. I'd be surprised if they don't. There are other makers but I've only used Cratex when working for another company years ago. Search"rubberized abrasives" and you'll find lots.

Many thanks for the input. Yes I will indeed try them. I shall in fact try them all for availability and price and compare.
As I am retired (medically) I do now have to watch the pennies you see.
Once again. Many thanks to one and all for the help, it really is very much appreciated.
Now I'd better toodle off and get some shut-eye.
Hi There Lee,

Thanks for the welcome, I have seen the website and am very impressed
and I have to say I envy you the workshop. It looks greeeaat. =D> =D> :mrgreen:

Alan: Thanks mate, I will certainly do my best, but I am restricted unfortunately as I do have a few problems. I am actually selling a bit of stuff as I am going in a slightly different direction, but I am looking forward to it.

Thanks again ev'ryone.

Like I've said many times before. This is a great site full of great folk.

Trev. :) :)