Dave, sorry for the confusion, it may be down to me changing targets part way through.
Initially my aim was to generate profiles for the slats, ceate sections and export as images. That would provide sufficient information for a slatted fruit bowl to be made, assuming the profiles to be the tricky bit.
Having thought longer, I developed the method I outlined earlier to create a full drawing. Hence the need to work from the profiles, then available in image format. However during my research on the use of sections I had come across slices and and idea formed that no tracing would be involved if I could export Section Slices. Not in the non-pro version as we have seen.
Of course later thinking tells me there is no need to export anything. I can trace the sections directly in Sketchup, and work from those. I hope.
This effort to reduce confusion may have made things worse, if so sorry again. Anyhow on with the pixel pushing.