plane flattening b*****x
Postby mrgrimsdale » 20 Jul 2009 10:40
Trying to do some work, got distracted. Wanted to use my Stanley 7 but all the flat plane nonsense had convinced me that it was too concave to be any good and needed a good flattening.
Put it on my planer table and applied a feeler gauge to the tiny gap near the middle. A 0.15mm blade will just go under one side, but will slide right under on the other! So it is concave and also twisted
. B****r!
But I recalled the Jeff Gorman test (in another thread) and applied a bit of pressure to the handle. Pinches the 0.15mm tight. Pinches the smallest 0.05mm tight. In other words under normal work load it is bendy and probably flat most of the time.
That's a relief I'll stop worrying about it.
I wouldn't have worried about it in the first place except for all the flattening nonsense which they are all so keen on.
I won't worry about all my other non-flat planes either. :lol: