Gorilla Glue shelf life (the water activated variety)


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Established Member
29 Jul 2017
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Cornwall UK
There are plenty of threads on Gorilla Glue but not on what I want to know

Not sure if its off topic to be honest but here goes ;-)

A couple of years ago I picked up a small bottle of the water activated variety of Gorilla glue, I needed something to use on a project, which I found it worked very well on and lid on tight, pin in nozzle, back on the shelf it went

Recently our washing machine bearings went, I was annoyed to find it was a sealed plastic drum housing, looked up the price of a drum housing assembly, £239 !!!
(machine was only £220 delivered)

But as we needed a machine for daily use ordered a new one, £199 delivered (including a £10 extra for delivery on a Sunday)

But I hated the thought of an otherwise good washing machine going to the tip, so googled around to find you can change the bearings by cutting the housing apart and then glueing and bolting the two parts of the housing back together once bearings were fitted

The youtube videos on this process used Gorilla glue (the water activated foaming variety) to seal the two parts together, aided with small bolts

I was a bit bothered that there would not be enough Gorilla glue to do the job, so ordered another bottle just in case

So followed it through, not that much of a job really, found I did have enough glue in the original bottle I had, but having let it cure well over 24 hours I tested for leaks only to find a couple of drips in places, I am quite sure I had used sufficient of the glue to form a seal, including round all the bolt holes drilled

So my question was (sorry for the war and peace above) does Gorilla glue degrade over time?

It looks like my only option is to separate the drum housing again and redo the glue and bolt process, just wondering if the newer glue would be any better than the old?

Anyone found even though usable, it degrades over time in the bottle?
Yes, it certainly does go off after the bottle is opened. I've thrown several bottles away. About a year ago I bought the smallest bottle available from Aldi thinking it would be useful for the odd small job now and again. I used it once and it was probably 6 months later when I tried it again - it went straight in the bin.
Thanks for your reply Brian

It wasn't so much as it goes hard, I would expect that, but does it degrade whilst remaining usable?

The small bottle I had, I used once when I got it, wiped the nozzle clean, expressed excess air and screwed the top on tight, it formed a thin skin on the outer but the majority was usable but it does not appear to be as strong or adhering as it was originally

Yes, it certainly does go off after the bottle is opened. I've thrown several bottles away. About a year ago I bought the smallest bottle available from Aldi thinking it would be useful for the odd small job now and again. I used it once and it was probably 6 months later when I tried it again - it went straight in the bin.

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