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Cheshirechappie":w9ca9dp4 said:
Jacob":w9ca9dp4 said:
There's an election coming up soon - are you all going into hiding until it goes away?

Yes. I'm sick to the back teeth of it all already. It's not that it isn't important, it's just the tone of political debate in most of the media these days; mostly it's politicians engaging in cheap point-scoring off one another, egged on by broadcasters and 'commentators' who just want to fill air-time. I don't mind sensible discussion of matters that affect us all, but that is a very rare thing indeed in political discourse these days.......
Which is my point really - "they" have effectively shut "us" up. So much so that a discussion about having a discussion!! generates anxiety all round.
Oh well, we are 30 years on from 1984; it was predicted by Orwell, in general if not in detail.
Cheshirechappie":2y68gowk said:
Yes. I'm sick to the back teeth of it all already. It's not that it isn't important, it's just the tone of political debate in most of the media these days; mostly it's politicians engaging in cheap point-scoring off one another, egged on by broadcasters and 'commentators' who just want to fill air-time. I don't mind sensible discussion of matters that affect us all, but that is a very rare thing indeed in political discourse these days.......


Politics is not worthy of discussion. ALL politicians are greedy self interested narcissists. To argue on behalf of one or the other would bring me down to their level, and I won't be going there. I've not voted for 25 years because no matter what they say, none of them produce. They HAVE to promise things that they can't provide in order to get votes, once they're in they do as they please at our expense..

They're all liars and when they get caught red handed (allowances scandal), it's all brushed under the carpet instead of half of the House of Commons being charged with fraud. I'm sure that's only one of many dodges they are guilty of. Democracy doesn't work for me, quite simply because it's organised and run by human beings, who can't help themselves from taking whatever they can when opportunity arises.

What we need is a friendly dictator. :mrgreen:
Rant over.
Grayorm":2f7damat said:
Cheshirechappie":2f7damat said:
Yes. I'm sick to the back teeth of it all already. It's not that it isn't important, it's just the tone of political debate in most of the media these days; mostly it's politicians engaging in cheap point-scoring off one another, egged on by broadcasters and 'commentators' who just want to fill air-time. I don't mind sensible discussion of matters that affect us all, but that is a very rare thing indeed in political discourse these days.......


Politics is not worthy of discussion. ALL politicians are greedy self interested narcissists. To argue on behalf of one or the other would bring me down to their level, and I won't be going there. I've not voted for 25 years because no matter what they say, none of them produce. They HAVE to promise things that they can't provide in order to get votes, once they're in they do as they please at our expense..

They're all liars and when they get caught red handed (allowances scandal), it's all brushed under the carpet instead of half of the House of Commons being charged with fraud. I'm sure that's only one of many dodges they are guilty of. Democracy doesn't work for me, quite simply because it's organised and run by human beings, who can't help themselves from taking whatever they can when opportunity arises.

There you go then, proves my point. "They" have persuaded you that you have no power or influence and shouldn't even bother to vote.
I can beat you Grayorm - I've not voted in National or local elections since the seventies. My opinion is if you are a 'middle road' citizen like me it doesn't matter much who gets in, but if you are on the extreme edges like the very rich or those on welfare I can see it might.

Jacob":3pjpuhhm said:
Grayorm":3pjpuhhm said:
Cheshirechappie":3pjpuhhm said:
Yes. I'm sick to the back teeth of it all already. It's not that it isn't important, it's just the tone of political debate in most of the media these days; mostly it's politicians engaging in cheap point-scoring off one another, egged on by broadcasters and 'commentators' who just want to fill air-time. I don't mind sensible discussion of matters that affect us all, but that is a very rare thing indeed in political discourse these days.......


Politics is not worthy of discussion. ALL politicians are greedy self interested narcissists. To argue on behalf of one or the other would bring me down to their level, and I won't be going there. I've not voted for 25 years because no matter what they say, none of them produce. They HAVE to promise things that they can't provide in order to get votes, once they're in they do as they please at our expense..

They're all liars and when they get caught red handed (allowances scandal), it's all brushed under the carpet instead of half of the House of Commons being charged with fraud. I'm sure that's only one of many dodges they are guilty of. Democracy doesn't work for me, quite simply because it's organised and run by human beings, who can't help themselves from taking whatever they can when opportunity arises.

There you go then, proves my point. "They" have persuaded you that you have no power or influence and shouldn't even bother to vote.

100% correct Jacob.
n0legs":pe5dpywh said:
Ok here's another one.
The same 3 minute response time and no searches.

"Whenever he says ""anything"" you say ""Right,"" Brett, you know that ?"

Good luck everybody, you gotta' be in it to win it.

Ok! very late. Was it from 2001: A Space Odyssey?

xy mosian":1j227y4b said:
Ok! very late. Was it from 2001: A Space Odyssey?


Good try and thank you for playing.
Sorry to say that's incorrect, it is a sci-fi movie though.
Try again.
There doesnt seem to be much, or should I say any support for politicians on this woodworking forum, am I to assume there are no forum members that have a seat in the commons for their day job. :D

I've just built a large orangery and house load of windows for an MP, who has been great to deal with, so I dont feel too negative about politicians at the moment!
I was taught before I first voted that if I didn't vote I should keep out of political discussions. Seems a fair one to me. I've only missed one in 43yrs - a local election where I'd moved house and they took me off one register and not put me on the next.
Grayorm , mi amigo. perhaps a shift in perception will help. When I have trouble deciding what to votefor I look for what to vote against. And that makes voting easier, more fun and effective as well. (Not my original idea , but from Hienlien's "Time Enough for Love" , subsection notebook of Lazarus Long). For some really fun political theories see same authors "Moon is a Harsh Mistress" where the old seditionist really vents. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok, so what film is this line from...

"Have you ever talked to a corpse? It's boring!"

Probably quite apt when discussing brain dead politicians!

doorframe":1u4dof9o said:
Ok, so what film is this line from...

"Have you ever talked to a corpse? It's boring!"

Probably quite apt when discussing brain dead politicians!


Ahh, Jenny Agutter - that's more like it.