I checked back, I think it's six days since you contributed to this thread.
I don't know where you've been in that time or what you've been smoking, but your attitude and reasoning ability have not improved.
Have a nice day.
I'll freely tell you that I have not been on the forum -
at all - in the past 6 days. Why is that of any significance? Answer - it isn't. facepalm.
Now it's over to you - you're turn - now you can describe (unless you are not able) how you're thought process works (or not) going from one viewpoint to the exact opposite in one easy step:
viewpoint one is represented by:
Experts can be disagreed with - my own opinion is just as valid; <which now gets a hearty guffaw from me>
"Argument from Authority" (although you clearly got this wrong as is evidenced above);
Your disdainful quote "Knob head with a degree";
Your characterisation of scientific/biology researchers as "paid shills".
viewpoint two is represented by:
A panel of experts being a potentially positive idea (as opposed to your
viewpoint one consisting of "knobheads with degrees" being "paid shills" and providing "Argument from Authority");
That somehow "we" could pay for research answers (as opposed to paid researchers being paid shills as well as the other insults)
That "why do we even have government" (if not to collect the funds to pay for research? or if not all of "we" are paying for the independent unbiased research how to avoid lobby group research the likes of which the tobacco industry used to indulge themselves of)
Go ahead and let us know how you justify these two absolutely crystal clear mutually contradictory viewpoints. It ought to be entertaining or interesting in some measure, maybe both?
If nothing else, at least I am entertaining myself here, and find it very amusing to witness this contortion of beliefs and (mis)understandings unfold.
Maybe it is a possibility that you forgot what you believed in only 6 days ago? And this is why you mention my absence of less than a week to justify your lack of consistent viewpoint? I dunno - this is your opportunity to set me straight on what you actually meant with those contradictory viewpoints - and maybe the joke will be on me. In which case I will happily join in the laughter at you laughing at me.