titebond "original" msds...IMO deliberately vague.
http://www.titebond.cl/sitio/user/productos/archivos/MSDS Original Wood Glue.pdftitebond III msds ..there are lots of them, this is the only one that I found which actually tells you the chemical composition.the others are all IMO deliberately vague.
http://www.titebond.cl/sitio/user/productos/archivos/MSDS Titebond III.pdfnote the constituents .."Crosslink Polyvinyl Acetate" ..in other words simple PVA
and "diethylene glycol monobutyl ether"..which is a solvant ( it aids PVA solvability and acts as a wetting agent in this PVA H2O mix )..it isn't a magic ingredient.It won't prove adhesion, it isn't an adhesive, but it might aid in penetration or microfilm forming..maybe..possibly..perhaps..
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEG_monobutyl_etheralsos scroll down to section 11. in the titebond III msds.
The inclusion of diethylene glycol monobutyl ether makes it irritant and to a degree toxic..not enough to be really dangerous, but it is not mentioned on any other MSDS for titebond III, neither is the fact that the adhesive is simple PVA.
Note also that the diethylene glycol monobutyl ether is animal tested..as if they needed to..it has been known for multiple decades that it is an irritant to skin , eyes, etc."Dermal" frequently includes drops into eyes, some MSDS do distinguish Ocular, but not all, depends on local requirements as to how drops in eyes is mentioned, or not, but if it is noted that a product is irritant to eyes, it has been tested on live animal eyes , usually on live rabbits eyes.
So titebond III is PVA with a bit ( 1% - 5% ) solvant added, nothing else, same formula as any other PVA glue..but more expensive ..all PVA glue is waterproof, if there is enough PVA in the base mix. Waterproof when dry is the nature of PVA.
interesting that Chile gets a "real" MSDS, the rest of us get a no information as to what is actually in it "vague" one