Excuse my ignorance, but what does AWO mean?
I have googled it and found:
AWO American Waterways Operators
AWO Arbeiter-Wohlfahrt (German club for workers' welfare)
AWO All Weather Operations
AWO Awilco Offshore Asa (Norway)
AWO Animal Welfare Officer
AWO Anime World Order (podcast)
AWO Adult Warrant Officer (UK Air Training Corps)
AWO Arab Women Organization of Jordan
AWO Air Weapons Officer
AWO Asymmetric Warfare Office
AWO Action Work Out
AWO Active Wall Outlet
AWO African Women's Organization (Chicago, IL)
AWO Area Works Officer (or Office)
AWO American Waterways Operations
AWO All Worship One
AWO André Wentzo Organisation (French: Andre Wentzo Organization; Toulouse, France)
AWO Another Weird Ordeal (online game)
AWO Associate Warden of Operations (correctional facilities)
AWO Animal Welfare Organization (various organizations)
AWO Another Way Out (various organizations)
None of which seems appropriate.
I just worked it out. American White Oak!