I've been browsing the Internet looking for some help with some items I found in a garage I was emptying.
I could name all the items but it seems easier to post photos.
The two blue and red vices are record the other says something like "guardsman"
Planes are Stanley bailey no.4
If anyone could shed some light on these I'd be very grateful.
They look old especially the record 75. They all work perfectly and the record 75 rotates and locks fine.. its actually very nice bar a bit of dust.
I've been browsing the Internet looking for some help with some items I found in a garage I was emptying.
I could name all the items but it seems easier to post photos.
The two blue and red vices are record the other says something like "guardsman"
Planes are Stanley bailey no.4
If anyone could shed some light on these I'd be very grateful.
They look old especially the record 75. They all work perfectly and the record 75 rotates and locks fine.. its actually very nice bar a bit of dust.