First WIP post - New workshed

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I do love a workshop build :D

I also had the same mitre saw, but the switch went dodgy on mine and wouldn't turn off. Looking forward to seeing more progress,
Hello all, just a quick note.

-Finished all cladding
-Coach bolted all walls together
-Treated all exposed cut ends
-Built 4 trusses' at just under 10deg pitch
-Temporarily fitted trusses with clamps
-Tarp'd up everything as I wont have time to play on this again until next weekend.


Next week the roof is to be fitted. 10mm polycarb roof sheets at 700cc - 5mt long and bendy as buggary, hope it doesn't rain. Then my love can move in, a Scheppach 4010ci 12" table saw. Hmmmmmmm

Ta ta for now
I must say, that little chop saw has done me a great service. The only probs I have with it is the fence tends to get clogged up and forced up out of level. Other than that its a cracking little portable happily cutting though 2x3's. Poor thing will need a good final resting place soon, its now been with me for 5 years!
Got the roof on! We have had great weather recently so ive been able to get rid of the dreaded tarp and stick the roof up.

Roof is 10mm polycarb sheets fixed to timber trusses using glazing bars, a really clever bit of plastic:


A view of the trusses and a teasing shot of my new best friend, a scheppach 4010ci:



This is t'other end of shed showing old bench soon to be replaced, and a load of bits and tools stored (dumped) on top of it:


And a shot of the whole thing, water proof roof but no doors just yet:


Now, the table saw. It has come with a 2.1m sliding carriage arm. This is a bit too big for me so I would love to swap with the smaller 1.4m (i think) carriage - does anyone have one and would like to swap?

Hello all,

It has been some time since I last posted but things had slowed due to weather, social responsibilities and baby's but anywho. I have finished off the exterior of the workshed, its weather proof and thanks to the polycarb roof its quite hot inside, and its only April.


First thing to do was make a new bench. I wanted a tall work surface as I didn't want to bend too much. I also wanted a bench that was deep, wide and importantly, heavy as I still do a lot of chopping out by hand and I want to avoid bench wobble!

Cut legs (4"x4"x900mm - Redwood 5th's) then cut out the half laps, first on the table saw, then finished with the chisel. Finished all the bits so that in the end I got a heavy duty frame:



Now, I know its ugly and I know they're only half laps but I wanted to do this job quickly so as not to eat into another weekend.


The frame was then topped with a 7'x3'x2" hardwood-ply flame break door, very solid, very heavy. You can see it on the right of this pic:


So thats the workshed done, time to get cracking on the remainder of the project list, its grown quite large over the winter since the demise of my old shed.

Thank you for all your comments, I hope you have enjoyed reading my post.