Festool registration issue


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5 Oct 2014
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Sunny Glasgow
Anyone had any issues registering a festool tool ?

Im putting in the numbers, exactly as on my registration card but its not coming up as a valid number
Serial number - Im putting in Exactly as its written on the card, same with the part number. Trying to send but it jumps back to that bit and wont let me continue to the next*

*The next bit is for me to 'upload' my invoice.
I take it I take a pic of it, then add that pic to that section. Anyone confirm this ?

Theyre certainly not making it easy, but its the whole serial/part number nonsense that im finding impossible. If it wont recognize these numbers then I cant register it.

Looks like Im going to have to phone them, but im more than sure that going to be a proverbial pain in the bum too.

If anyone has any advice, be glad to hear it.
Is the tool you've bought brand new from a dealer...? If so, perhaps the dealer has already registered the tool for you and that's why its bouncing back...?

If it's a second hand tool, then it may have been registered by the previous owner. Again, if this was the case, it would not accept the serial & part numbers.
Is the tool you've bought brand new from a dealer...? If so, perhaps the dealer has already registered the tool for you and that's why its bouncing back...?

If it's a second hand tool, then it may have been registered by the previous owner. Again, if this was the case, it would not accept the serial & part numbers.
Last one I bought they told me Festool doesn’t let the dealer register anymore. The purchaser has to do it.
I've never had any problems registering my tools, even those done by the dealer. I think the dealer registration ended sometime last year, and maybe about the same time the online registration started requiring uploads of the receipt. I scan the receipt and upload it as a PDF, but the registration application might accept a JPG image as well.
Is the tool you've bought brand new from a dealer...? If so, perhaps the dealer has already registered the tool for you and that's why its bouncing back...?

If it's a second hand tool, then it may have been registered by the previous owner. Again, if this was the case, it would not accept the serial & part numbers.
Nope, brand new from a trade shop. It wouldnt be regular for the dealer to register it. They just supplied the saw(Kapex KS60)
Buy, take home - register. The first 2 went well, the actual registration, well :LOL: always something.

I reckon its to do with the prefix. I think you put the code in as such. T.Nr xxxxxxxx and S-Nr xxxxxxxx which relate to part number and serial number. but on the booklet it has it written as T.Nr, on the site it has it as T-Nr, and anywhere else im seeing it it says T-NR so maybe its a full stop, maybe its a dash, or do i even use this T or S prefix. rather than just the actual number itself.
I think you put the code in as such
I don’t think you do, just the digits that follow it for both. If you use the app you can also just scan the QR code and it will fill out everything for you

@seanf is correct, just the digits. Here is a screenshot from the German registration site, but I think the UK format will be the same.

I don’t think you do, just the digits that follow it for both. If you use the app you can also just scan the QR code and it will fill out everything for you

Now that makes sense :LOL:
I couldnt have completed it anyway, i hadnt a pic of the invoice to upload at that time. So I'll do that and give it a blast tomorrow.

Best at least try before my name gets banded about the Festool office 'Hey, I got a dumb Brit here.....wait till you hear this.....' :LOL:
At least Festool seem consistent. I’ve got Makita tools where the serial number is one line, multiple lines, a single line but broken into multiple parts, serial numbers broken up with full stops and serial numbers where the full stops all have spaces before and after :unsure:

Now that makes sense :LOL:
I couldnt have completed it anyway, i hadnt a pic of the invoice to upload at that time. So I'll do that and give it a blast tomorrow.

Best at least try before my name gets banded about the Festool office 'Hey, I got a dumb Brit here.....wait till you hear this.....' :LOL:

If you didn’t upload a pic the form wouldn’t have valdated so it wouldn’t allow you to continue.

That said, I did two last week, it did seem a bit flakey reporting the number as invalid when I submitted one, and a simple back button and resubmit made it work!
This thread prompted me to check the procedure and it dawned on me that the last new Festool tool I bought back in June last year,....I'd forgotten to register it for the 3 year warranty and its supposed to be done within 30 days of purchase...😱

Prior to this, I'd always done any registration myself but I had heard/ read that some dealers would do it for you ( Hence, my comment earlier in this thread...)
I now understand that it HAS to be done by me, which is not a problem.

I logged on to the "My Festool" page, entered the T-NR and S-NR numbers and tried to enter the actual date of purchase but it would only allow me to enter a date no earlier than 31st December 2022.....B u g g e r!

So, I rang Festool UK and spoke to a guy and he said it's no problem.....Just use the 31st December 2022 date as date of purchase, upload a copy of the original invoice dated June last year and the warranty will run from that date...👍 Result!

I've just completed the form and attached a picture of the original invoice and it's gone straight through and I've printed off a copy of the certificate.

All that's required is to enter just the numbers of the T-NR & S-NR numbers in the 2 relevant boxes, along with a copy of the invoice.
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I logged on to the "My Festool" page, entered the T-NR and S-NR numbers and tried to enter the actual date of purchase but it would only allow me to enter a date no earlier than 31st December 2022.....B u g g e r!

So, I rang Festool UK and spoke to a guy and he said it's no problem.....Just use the 31st December 2022 date as date of purchase, upload a copy of the original invoice dated June last year and the warranty will run from that date...👍 Result
That's exactly what happened to me, Festool are very easy to talk too
So, I rang Festool UK and spoke to a guy and he said it's no problem.....Just use the 31st December 2022 date as date of purchase, upload a copy of the original invoice dated June last year and the warranty will run from that date...👍 Result!

Thats good news, as i've also forgotten to register the plunge saw i got it about the same time as yourself. Forgot, then forgot again. So registering that would be a nice thing. And I suppose the more festool bits on your account, the nicer they're going to be to you should you ever have to cash it in so to speak.

Thanks for that snippet.
I've always found them very accommodating......In the 21 years that I've owned any Festool tools, I've only once had to send a tool back in for a service/repair and it was collected, repaired under warranty and returned to me within 6 days..👍

Just give them a call if you're still having issues with the registration.