Festool MFT multi function table


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Established Member
16 Apr 2003
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Near Swindon, Wiltshire
I've decided that I've got to have one of these to go with my planned AT55 plunge saw and rail system


Anyone know if anyone in the UK sells them? I've found somebody on Ebay but I would prefer a conventonal tool shop.

Anyone have any comments? I realise that the whole kit will cost quite a bit but it would still seem to be good value


That looks to be a really useful piece of kit.

Minden Industries are the Festool importer and their details are as follows: -

[email protected]

Minden Industrial Ltd
Saxham Business Park
Bury St. Edmunds
IP28 6RX
Telephone : (01284) 760791
Fax : (01284) 702156

You might already know, but there are two models of MFT.


Rand R tools in Cirencester stock Festool and would certainly order the table for you. They normally operate a price match policy so if you could find a good price on the internet they would probably match it. I got some Festool kit from them a few weeks ago and was happy with the prices. (01285 655543 and www.randrtools.co.uk )

FYI I saw the table at a recent Festool demo and it looked very good!



Admin note: - url corrected
Hi John
johnelliott":3ggna3j8 said:
...my planned AT55 plunge saw and rail system
Sorry to be nosy, but I think the model you need will be the TS55. I think the AT55 is an old model number - it certainly isn't in the 2003/04 Festool catalogue.

Any Festool dealer will be able to get the table in for you - none of them hold stock anyway, so everything needs to come from Festool themselves (at least this is the situation with the Irish Festool dealers) And seeing as prices are effectively fixed (tut tut), you won't pay any more at a dealer anyway.

Another review of the table at http://www.woodshopdemos.com/fest-10.htm (in John Lucas' unique style :wink: ) BTW.

Damn, now I've gone and looked at that MFT again, if only...

If you ask them Minden will send you the Festool book (I cannot call it a catalogue), by courier no less, for hours of "I wish I had the money" or "I wish I could justify spending the money" reading.

I think with Festool you buy into a system, and at the moment I cannot justify the cost to myself. Perhaps when I next move house (hopefully a self-build) I will be better able to justify it to me and SWMBO.

Bugger - looks like I might be being almost sensible...
cambournepete":klmip3qa said:
I think with Festool you buy into a system

I think you're absolutely right, Pete. For someone in John's position I think the system makes an awful lot of sense, and I can forsee more Festool in his future once he's got a taste for it - OF1400 router would go very nicely with your guide rails and MFT, John :wink:

The Festool book is impressive, isn't it? I particularly like the pictures showing the disasters befalling those who have opted for non-Festool kit at the start of each chapter, especially the paint-stirring one :lol:
