Festool Domino advice Please


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eggflan":u7z6oo7g said:
Jake":u7z6oo7g said:
Oh thanks, I was watching that. I'll take it off now.

So whats the problem then , why dont you make the chap an offer :?

I don't do that - it is against both rules and spirit of ebay, and in any case it has now been publicised to the widest possible audience of buyers by someone who has no interest in it either as buyer or seller.
Jake":2s1wfkbb said:
eggflan":2s1wfkbb said:
Jake":2s1wfkbb said:
Oh thanks, I was watching that. I'll take it off now.

So whats the problem then , why dont you make the chap an offer :?

I don't do that - it is against both rules and spirit of ebay, and in any case it has now been publicised to the widest possible audience of buyers by someone who has no interest in it either as buyer or seller.

Im sorry i dont get your point here , someone is looking for a tool , i looked on ebay and put the link up for the gent to have a look at , and you have a dig at me because you were watching it , there was probably a lot of other people who are watching it , it is an auction so the highest bid wins , i thought this site was all about helping each other out you know in the spirit of friendship and having a common passion , you are right i dont have any interest in the item but i was reading the thread and thought it would be nice of me to put the link up .
As for asking the guy to sell it early by making an offer this happens all the time on ebay everyone knows that and im sure a few users of this site have made offers on things before they are due to finish , if your concience wont allow you to do that then fine but dont have a snipe at me for trying to help out someone on the forum and possibly save them a few pounds in the proccess .

Indeed, this has crossed my mind a few times. Whilst browsing eBay, spotted a bargain and considered posting it here. But once you do, it won't be a bargain for much longer and you ruin it for someone. If you want an eBay bargain, you have to be in it to win it.
wizer":jjimn00z said:
Indeed, this has crossed my mind a few times. Whilst browsing eBay, spotted a bargain and considered posting it here. But once you do, it won't be a bargain for much longer and you ruin it for someone. If you want an eBay bargain, you have to be in it to win it.

Wizer , i agree with what you are saying there , but if someone is looking to buy a certain item i dont see a problem with posting a link to it , i appologise if this is not the way things are done on Uk Workshop , I will make sure i dont do it again i just thought i was helping someone out , this is common practice on other sites i visit ..
I hold my head in shame and will remove the link :roll:

Oh sorry for being grumpy it's just one of those things that mildly peeves me - it would have run off anyway, Festool (nearly) always does...
Jake":13m3is8v said:
Oh sorry for being grumpy it's just one of those things that mildly peeves me - it would have run off anyway, Festool (nearly) always does...

Jake i didnt mean to upset anyone , i have removed the link i hope i have not ruined it for you ..

No, don't worry, plenty more will come along in time .. it's a waiting game.

PM the guy you want to help next time maybe - a post on here is the biggest advert the seller could hope for!
Thanks for thinking of me, but I had already ordered one from Axminster by then anyway.

As Jake already mentioned, Festool stuff always reaches top money on the 'bay, and the one in question, had a PAT test sticker on it, so I imagine it was used in an industrial application, and therefore I probably wouldn't have bid anyway - sorry Jake.

The good news is that my Domino arrived today :D :D :D , and I've already knocked up a mirror frame to test it out, needless to say, it's very impressive!!! However, it takes a little getting used to, as one of my mortises was a little off, which meant that the frame didn't sit flush :x :x - panic, wipe excess glue, re-cut domino, re-apply glue, reassemble, BREATHE. That little faux-pas was entirely my fault, and I learnt a lesson, so in the end all was well.

My first opinions of this machine is that it's going to save me hours in the shop, and still produce strong, accurate projects, so it's a massive thumbs up from me!!

When I've used the Domino a little more, I'll post a bit more of a review.



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