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No guys your wrong. The survey was done by an international company for my employer.

The issue is that even if as so many of you do only use FB for family contacts that does not mean that others do not use it far more.

FB is used by many companies as a means to reach out with their web sites to contact more people.

Is the data wrong. I feel it is a bit over stated but not by too much. For example my 32 yr old son will use FB to search for local suppliers for his house build project. He then selects and goes to visit their web sites. Why does he not go to the web site first. He wants to see what their social presentation is like as web sites are often over the top and unrealistic as to quality, quantity and reality. Is he right to do so. Who knows and who cares. It should be enough that he and mamy millions like him believes it and acts upon it.

What is sort of funny is that we all see this from our own little restricted window and swear blind that this or that does not happen. In reality social media dominates the under 30's searching techniques with Google just on a par or potentially in the future losing out to social media.

So as someone said....meaningless statistics ...NO. Signals for change and a move towards a different view point from the restricted window...probably and potentially.

While it may be difficult to accept that people use Facebook to find suppliers, I think Alan may well be right. I seem to remember a recent Click programme on BBC talking about just this issue and saying that Google is really battling against the Social Media sites.

Personally, I find it hard to a accept but then I'm in the 61+ group so would never dream of searching for a supplier on Facebook.


The human population is about 7 billion and half of those are under 30 years old.
58% of 3.5 billion is 2.03 billion
So 2.03 billion under 30 years old use Facebook to find suppliers.

..... I don't believe it. :)
beech1948":37anjwes said:
I guess its obvious that the older less IT savvy people are less interested in social media or prefer other forms of communication like talking to one another :roll: =D>


Just because one is (well) over 60 doesn't mean one is less IT savvy. :roll: I'm not interested in so called social media but can manage to find what I want on the internet.

I can even find my way onto this forum. :lol:
JMcK":2450zyul said:
beech1948":2450zyul said:
I guess its obvious that the older less IT savvy people are less interested in social media or prefer other forms of communication like talking to one another :roll: =D>
Just because one is (well) over 60 doesn't mean one is less IT savvy. :roll: I'm not interested in so called social media but can manage to find what I want on the internet.
I can even find my way onto this forum. :lol:
.... well I too am in the last group by a long way but having spent the last 25 years of my working life in IT (systems management) I think remember a bit about IT.

It was our generation (for our sins) that invented this stuff! :) :)
How many of you now will later in life use facebook to try and find a supplier?? Now this method have been put to you, no matter your age can you maybe see yourself thinking at some point "I wonder if I can find someone else on facebook".
brianhabby":20i2mapg said:
......... on BBC talking about just this issue and saying that Google is really battling against the Social Media sites.

Good. These days most of my searches on Google seem a complete waste of time; throwing up site after site that lists sites that only list sites that might, but probably won't, have what I'm looking for.
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (hammer)
Since we seem to have descended/ascended to stating our credentials by how long we have worked in IT. I'm 63 and have worked in IT for 38 yrs. My first boss used to fill mercury delay lines as his first job.

Now I work as a strategic planner trying to forsee/guess/deduce what the hell will happen in the next 5 yrs. Todays IT is quite simple really, you just need to read the book, get the qualification and it will all join together and plug and play quite nicely with just a few hiccups. There are few new technologies and fewer innovative changes. Each generation is often stuck in its own paradigms and can't see the changes as they happen. I'm going to hate it when I become one of these people...oh No I'm already starting to become one of them. Bugger

my experiences on FB have been thats its mainly females that do the looking, and we are looking at it from a gents point of view..
Ah, I could give you the female perspective - but I'm apparently too old 'cos I'd never dream of using FB to look for a business. Sigh.

doctor Bob":g6hi3ncj said:
Couldn't agree more but teenagers and the like look at it the other way round, in business terms these are the next generation of buyer.
From my observation the "cool kids" now are tending to view Facebook as somewhere you wouldn't be seen dead and all hang around on Tumblr and the like. Now it could be that the business side of things on FB stays strong while, perhaps, the social aspect wanes, I dunno. But I wouldn't bank on FB being the certain way to connect with the customer of the future either.
I had someone invite me to join FB I initially declined, then she asked me again to join, so I decided to set up a 'control group' to see what it was really like, frankly it was a disaster, it was impossible to be certain that you were only talking to one person, the so called 'wall' was a complete waste of space, what the hell is a 'wall' anyway :?: I always thought it was something made of briscks and mortar :roll:

What really annoyed me was idiot Zuckeberg would not allow Mr. as my first name, I have recently taken exception to web sites of any type e-mailing me saying Hi ......... using my first name when I've had no corresspondance with them and don't know them from Adam.

Then, exactly one month after I stopped logging in the idiot Zuckerberg (Or one of his minions) went into my preferances and changed the e-mail notifications, so now I keep getting these e-mails when any of my 'control group' post entries on FB. It never happened when I was logging in each day so I know I set it correctly initially.

I wrote to FB and e-mailed them about this and got no reply so wrote again, received a reply saying effectively 'go to hell'

I phoned up and eventually after being transfered from place to place got some American sounding voice who told me not in so many words but precisely 'We can do whatever we want' and then put the phone down on me. :twisted:

So now I have to wait until I can get on a library computer ('cos no way will I let that evil man or his employees get my new computer URL on their records) and go into my preferences and change it back to NO e-mail notifications.

And then one month after that I suppose he will again go into my preferences again and change it.

My 'control group' experiment showed that people use it to keep in touch with familly, fair enough if you have famllly spread all around the country or globe.
Others use it to keep in touch with others with same interests e.g. Dog shows etc.
But most use it as an ego trip, telling the world every little (boring) detail of their lives, or how clever they are e.g. "I'm lying here in the bath thinking what I'm going to have for dinner"

Oh God please save me from such mindless drivel or I may have to kill myself :lol: :lol: :lol:
So now I have to wait until I can get on a library computer ('cos no way will I let that evil man or his employees get my new computer URL on their records) and go into my preferences and change it back to NO e-mail notifications.
In a similar situation I would just mark Facebook messages as junk. They'd then disappear into the junk folder and eventually be auto-deleted - all without me knowing of their existence. :)
Or the simple way, change your contact email in your FB settings to a non existent address - then you won't get any emails from them!
RogerP":3byxnejr said:
So now I have to wait until I can get on a library computer ('cos no way will I let that evil man or his employees get my new computer URL on their records) and go into my preferences and change it back to NO e-mail notifications.
In a similar situation I would just mark Facebook messages as junk. They'd then disappear into the junk folder and eventually be auto-deleted - all without me knowing of their existence. :)

I registered with an email address I never check so I never see any of the emails they send me. I do the same with a few similar sites. The only time I login to that email is to click a link in an email to verify to a site thats its my email address.
I get many mails from FB saying I have notification, I cannot see anyone is trying to contact me personally so it must be spam?
RogerP":1hmyzkz7 said:
So now I have to wait until I can get on a library computer ('cos no way will I let that evil man or his employees get my new computer URL on their records) and go into my preferences and change it back to NO e-mail notifications.
In a similar situation I would just mark Facebook messages as junk. They'd then disappear into the junk folder and eventually be auto-deleted - all without me knowing of their existence. :)

Thanks great idea but what do you do to make them 'junk' ???

I just put one into 'spam' when I went back and opened it right at the bottom was a message "If you want to unsubscribe etc. etc" I clicked on it and then got a window which looked like FB and "Do you want to change your e-mail setting" (or word to that effect) I clicked yes and got another message saying I won't receive 'friends' staus notifications anymore :lol:
So we'll see, being cynical I think they might start appearing again after four weeks but let's hope not.
Is 'junk' mail the same as 'spam' mail ? I assume it is. Thanks again for your assistance :D