World energy use is overwhelmingly dependent on carbon fuels. Low carbon energy is an impressive 15%, but that includes hydro power and nuclear. Wind and solar come in at about 2%. Bear in mind that the energy needs of the global population are endlessly growing, and the increase in renewables just about covers the total energy increase needed each year. We are all permanently dependent on fossil fuels for all of modern life - from sufficient food to long life expectancy to leasure time to lack of slavery.
The UK is, apparently, about to run out of electricity. It already imports more than 10% from the continent, but the Europeans are also going green and so it may not be an option to import for much longer, as the foreigners will need it themselves.
"This leaves the UK with a big hole in its electricity mix in the 2020s
even if the sole aim of the policy is just to replace coal. Throughout the last year, the UK has imported electricity via undersea cables in every month. In the best month – July 2020 – just two percent of our electricity was imported. In the worst month – June 2021 – 13 percent of our electricity was imported. As coal plants close and older nuclear plants are decommissioned, the demand for imported electricity is expected to rise. Although whether that electricity will be available is a moot point given that France and Belgium are also decommissioning nuclear power plants and most of continental Europe is switching to intermittent renewable energy."
The above is a quote from
When green gets real