Evolution SMS210 sliding mitre saw - a small problem is a big issue for me!


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5 Apr 2022
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Hello all. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this? I recently bought a SMS210 Evolution sliding mitre saw as I wanted an upgrade to my current Evolution CMS210 (none-sliding saw) and the SMS210 looked nice and compact for my small space. Because I'm space-restricted, I don't have a mitre saw stand, but instead use a Benchclaw (https://www.sealey.co.uk/product/5637725126/benchclawr-mitre-saw-workbench-clamp) which attaches to my B&D Workmate. This keeps things nice and secure, and came with M10 bolts which are fine for my CMS210 (plus a McAllister saw which I borrowed to see how much use I could make of such a thing plus a Ryobi saw which I returnedto B&Q (who agreed to honour the 10% on the new saw even though it had expired) as it was very inaccurate and too big)

Butk the SMS210 has smaller holes in the baseplate! They look like M8 size, which are clearly no good for the Benchclaw. Pondering on this, I think the only solutions are:

1 Buy an Evolution mitre saw stand which I assume will accept the smaller bolts. But, I don't want to do that as a) it's more expense and b) I'm already cramped for space

2 Drill holes in my B&D Workmate and fit the SMS210 straight on to it. Not perfect.

3 Use clamps to hold the saw to the Workmate. That's fine until I want to cut at 45degrees then one of them gets in the way so I'd have to release one clamp, thus making the whole thing less safe.

4 Take the saw back and get another one.

TBH, taking the saw back isn't what I really want to do. Ive had a good experience with the Evolution brand. Out of the box, the SMS210 cuts extremely well and accurately and is totally perfect for the small projects I tend to do. I didn't see anything at B&Q (over their 10% offer weekend) that I really fancied or could afford. (I had a budget of c£200 and this cost me £157 less 10%).

I've asked Evolution for their comments - perhaps they'll offer me a free stand (fat chance)!
Can you add a set of m8 sliding t nuts to the bench claw base. Leave the originals in place, so you have an option to use either as needed?
Never thought of that, thank you! The benchclaw has sliding plates installed a that are threaded to accept M10 bolts. I'll have a look to see if there is the option for the sliding nuts to fit underneath the "rack" the the slidy bits fit in to......Thanks!!
What is to stop you drilling the holes out in the saw to 10mm diameter?

It is a tool not the Mona Lisa.

Make an adaptor bush, M10 male outside thread, M6 female inside thread and use M6 bolts in the saw.

Make four studs, M10 male thread long enough to go into the Benchclaw and then M8 for the rest of the length. Use nuts on top.

Is the body of the saw hollow underneath? If so, use one of these rod reducers to adapt from M10 to M8:


There would have to be enough space for the length of hte hexagonal body of the reducer. If it was nearly-there-but-tight, you could file the reducer down from hexagon to round.

Another option:


Another option:

What is to stop you drilling the holes out in the saw to 10mm diameter?

It is a tool not the Mona Lisa.

Make an adaptor bush, M10 male outside thread, M6 female inside thread and use M6 bolts in the saw.

Make four studs, M10 male thread long enough to go into the Benchclaw and then M8 for the rest of the length. Use nuts on top.

Is the body of the saw hollow underneath? If so, use one of these rod reducers to adapt from M10 to M8:


There would have to be enough space for the length of hte hexagonal body of the reducer. If it was nearly-there-but-tight, you could file the reducer down from hexagon to round.

Another option:


Another option:

Thank you! I'd never heard of any of this stuff!
I have my Dewalt chop saw screwed directly to 18mm ply with 5 gauge screws and if the ply is slightly bigger than the footprint of the saw you can then screw that to your bench/stand
You could use smaller bolts if you'd prefer instead of screws but I've always used screws for ease.
You could always use a penny washer to enlarge screws head if needed.
When finished using saw, undo ply from bench to free that up.
You cold even fit the ply to your bench claw by whatever suits best and then screw your saw to the ply as suggested so then you have an option ?
In fact, thinking further back in my life - been a site carpenter all my life (32 years on the tools now a site manager since 2012) my old Elu chopsaw I used to screw every day to my Richmond work bench(B&D copy) along with a couple of record rollers and never had an issue and from memory I only used the holes at the back as the front ones were out beyond the front on the bench top - the holes are still in the bench and it was was pretty much fixed and removed every day for security reasons on some sites.
As said it never became loose/moved with just the two screws in place 3"12s in those days !
When I were a lad 🤣
Great responses, thank you all.

I've found some plain channel nuts on eBay that will fit in the tracks on my Benchlaw so am going to use those. I'll be able to leave the original channel nuts on the Benchclaw as well....
I'd try some extra long 8mm bolts, in throught the manufactured holes on the saw, straight through the 10mm hole in the bench claw, washer, then 8mm nut under that. or am I missing something?

also the video on the link in the original post says 8mm fixings are supplied so something has got lost in translation
Thanks for that. Many apologies, you're right. I referred to M10 when I really meant M8 to fit the benchclaw. Senior moment.

Thank you for your idea. I have ordered M6 size channel nuts so will see how that goes. If successful, they'll sit in the track alongside the existing ones so I get the choice of which ones to use it I attach other tools to the claw. (Tbh, I'm not sure what those "other tools" might be yet!! )