Everyone Vote in Scotland Independance


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Well it is all over and a No. And so it all begins...
jpt":9r6cfep5 said:
All over now just have to wait for the count.

But the winners and losers are already known and have been for a long time.

Winners Scotland with lots more power and English money, losers the English still being ruled by Scottish, Welsh and Irish MPs even though they have their own parliaments and we still wont have ours, oh and yes more of our money will go north of the border.


I'm not sure about money flows but think it's probably swings and roundabouts, TBH. But regarding MPs voting, unless it is a free vote then I think you will find that they vote according to the Party line and so their nationality/country of residence is irrelevant.
jpt":1wt3nv3z said:
All over now just have to wait for the count.

But the winners and losers are already known and have been for a long time.

Winners Scotland with lots more power and English money, losers the English still being ruled by Scottish, Welsh and Irish MPs even though they have their own parliaments and we still wont have ours, oh and yes more of our money will go north of the border.


An Irish MP? What's that?
Now the fun starts when Cameron and Microband (I omit Clegg - he's never going to be PM, in fact he'll be lucky to still be an MP after May) realise they have no mandate to deliver the promises they've made, and will struggle to get anything through a Parliament full of English MP's who are already fed up with subsidising Scotland.
Whatever they decide, I do hope it is given enough thought and debate. Rushing through legislation is never a good idea.
Polls often not too accurate:

All this talk of more devolution, English Parliament etc is IMO so divisive and adds more and more layers of complexity and cost. I think all the regional or whatever you want to call them parliaments should go. We are, after all, the United Kingdom. Or at least, should be.
A real mixture of feelings ....... Just like the mother in law driving off a cliff in my brand new BMW!

Delighted the Union is 'safe' but I will not easily forgive the idiot Cameron for putting it at risk the way he has. The no campaign was a disgrace and promising even more 'stuff' at the expense of the English voter will bite him hard at the next election.

Unfortunately, now the Union is safe we'll have another 300 years of the scots whining that 'it's not fair' and I'm not sure how much more of that I can stand!

I think this will lead to a significant change in British politics as I don't think we can continue as we are without ending up with an even more mickey mouse lot running the show (please ...... no UKIP!).

PS - I don't have a BMW and my MiL was a rather special, wonderful person!
Noel":igi5ikbo said:
jpt":igi5ikbo said:
All over now just have to wait for the count.

But the winners and losers are already known and have been for a long time.

Winners Scotland with lots more power and English money, losers the English still being ruled by Scottish, Welsh and Irish MPs even though they have their own parliaments and we still wont have ours, oh and yes more of our money will go north of the border.


An Irish MP? What's that?

There are 18 of them I am not sure if any of them have ever sat in the house but they are there. Also 40 from Wales and 59 from Scotland. An interesting side note on the debate on an English parliament while Scotland voted in its own Parliament for no tuition fees for university the Scottish MPs in the commons voted for them in England. If they had not been eligible to vote on this as it was an English only matter there would be no tuition fees in England either.

So Alex Salmond was right after all, Scotland CAN still use the pound after September 18th
'ere, wot abaht tellin the scotch to ff off, all of em?
(I've just come back from an interesting political discussion in the pub)
Well, as an English person living in Scotland and hoping for a closer vote at least, the postings on here have certainly convinced me that UKIP is just the tip of a very nasty iceberg in ENGLISH politics.
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