Ever had a bad hair day?


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
Those who know me know that I am follicly challenged. Periodically I'll drag my Wahl hair trimmer out of the box with its' No 3 attached and give the old bonce a quick once over. Right hand with the hair trimmer, left hand rubbing the hair to get rid of the bits.

And so it was this morning. Only when I ran my left hand over my head after the first pass up the head, my hair felt distinctly strange, very strange indeed as in a bit short. Very short. Then I saw that the No 3 was nestling in the bottom of the box. Just call me badger.
I've never used those attachments. Thrown them all away on the clippers I've owned. Shorter cutting means having to do it less ;)
I used to have a beard and used a beard trimmer in the same way. One day I picked it up and started. Yes it felt odd. Remember I don't have my contact lenses in first thing in the morning. I had a bald strip down one cheek and had to trim the rest of my face as short as I could without actually shaving.
I still got comments at work though!

Good laugh Roger, thanks!
LOL, coincidentally on this very subject I have just received this text from my mate...

"I did my 'below the belt' monthly trim this morning but forgot to set my trimmer from a previous beard trim! I now look like a prize turkey's neck! Number 1 around the c0ck, not a good look!!!"

Hahaha, I almost fell off my chair! :lol:
TrimTheKing":189vg8pr said:
I did my 'below the belt' monthly trim this morning

is this usual practice :shock: - I prefer to leave my below the belt area au naturel - you can imagine all those short itchy bits of hair winding up in all the wrong places :sick:
wizer":3tin90cv said:

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Go on Tom, which one is it???
big soft moose":f6lorm4d said:
TrimTheKing":f6lorm4d said:
I did my 'below the belt' monthly trim this morning

is this usual practice :shock: - I prefer to leave my below the belt area au naturel - you can imagine all those short itchy bits of hair winding up in all the wrong places :sick:
I will admit to performing the occasional bit of 'Manscaping', just to keep things in check! Not quite to the degree my mate has though...

Contrary to the evidence of my follically challenged bonce, the rest of me sports an abundance of growth, which does require a certain amount of maintenance to not scare the wife too much! ;)
big soft moose":dldjczy4 said:
TrimTheKing":dldjczy4 said:
I did my 'below the belt' monthly trim this morning

is this usual practice :shock: - I prefer to leave my below the belt area au naturel - you can imagine all those short itchy bits of hair winding up in all the wrong places :sick:

I take it you haven't seen the party scene (by the pool) from Harold & Kumar 2?
Shaving your b0llocks Roger, shaving your b0llocks. Sometimes I'm ashamed at the society we live in. Next blokes will be having boob jobs as a matter of course and women will be adding a third boob just to distinguish themselves as women. Just like Total Recall!

(morphine just arrived)

This has been the best thread of the day.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks guys was feeling a bit down...

It is wrong...in every way...lol
wizer":58n2n3fo said:
Shaving your b0llocks Roger, shaving your b0llocks. Sometimes I'm ashamed at the society we live in. Next blokes will be having boob jobs as a matter of course and women will be adding a third boob just to distinguish themselves as women. Just like Total Recall!

(morphine just arrived)


is there anything you'd like to tell us about the surgery you've just had ;) - It wasn't for the back at all was it :lol: - next stop victorias secret :D

btw - in my view shaving your pineapples is just asking for ingrown hair and or razor rash - if you really must go for the lunar landscape look you should get wifey to wax them :sick:
LMAOOOOO...could you record the waxing please, just sound, that's all we need. :D


I thought the site motto was: "if there aren't pictures, then it didn't happen" ?

We want a photo! I know what you look like, so no cheating...

Kind regards,