The current cap rate per kwh is electricity 28p and gas 7p. Any on fixed deals will eventually need to move to the cap. What will happen in August when rates are reviewed ???
Electricity is ~3.5 times the cost of gas as no gas boiler works at 100% efficiency. A heat pump with an efficiency of 3.0-4.0 will make the cost of gas vs electricity about equal. Both can be used for heating and hot water - although gas mantles have mostly been made obsolete by LEDs.
Irrespective of heat source, optimising insulation is a given. Second issue which is given little prominence is control - there is no point in keeping rooms warm when not in use.
Energy generation is often confused with how energy is used. Mains supply, PV, turbines, batteries are all ways of generating energy. How best to use it to light and heat the home is another matter.
- Ground source heat pumps - space needed, expensive installation. Low grade heat requiring installation of larger radiators or underfloor heating.
- Air source heat pumps - cheaper than GSHP but it seems with many of the same drawbacks of low grade heat.
- Existing gas and electricity solutions.
- Air conditioning/heating units - low cost installation, can be configured as central compressor with either ducting or separate units in each room. Very controllable.
The last seems to get little attention. It frees up wall space occupied by radiators, installation is straightforward (ducting excepted). Separate solution required for hot water - small gas boiler, immersion heater (use surplus PV??).
For several decades the default solution for homes with a gas supply (77% of dwellings) was gas central heating and hot water. Electricity for lighting and appliances. Those without gas were often smaller flats in urban areas + some rural and more remote properties.
We are a long way from a default today - we are creating an increasingly complex web of solutions:
- energy generation could be PV, gas, mains electric, solar hot water, batteries, turbines
- installation depends on costs, size, lifestyle of occupiers, electric vehicle use, batteries, space, planning constraints etc
Hopefully over the next few years the optimal solution for different property types will emerge.