E-Bay scam


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The Restorer":ns1372t1 said:
I checked this out and sure enough there was my E-bay details with my feedback etc. etc. but an address in Berlin, Germany.

That information is publicly available SteveDawn1...40 feedback items ...all good :wink:

The Restorer":ns1372t1 said:
I checked the my E-bay summary page and found no trace of the item within it, but did find that all of the sellers fees were on my account

This is what I would hammer eBay on. Ask them how someone can access your account without your permission. Keep your emails very, very short. Keep on at them. Initial email responses are always aut0-reply but be prepared to accept you might never get to the bottom of this since neither eBay nor payPal actually give a damn about these sort of things in my experience. Unless you are a well-known journalist, of course.

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