my daughter has a damp walk in her kitchen. The builder she has contacted has recommended dry rods. I know nothing about them, do they work?
I found the same site but they are of course selling them.Google gave me this
Has a BBA certification…so must have been demonstrated to be effective
all bricks are not equalSorry can’t help with dry rods but I read an article recently that agreed with what @af99 said, rising damp is not what causes damp problems, nearly always penetrating - rain, or condensation. I meant to do an experiment that it suggested, put a column of bricks in a tray of water for a long period and see if the water rose up or not.
We had a problem in a solid wall that wasn’t fixed with the rising damp merchants, eventually pinned it down to bad flaunching and rain coming down a chimney flue.
It’s a single wall Victorian extension that has been tackled multiple times. I posted a thread a while back about the tiles I had to put up and the wall was pretty much a sponge.
It’s a loosing battle really, especially as they have no budget, but the latest builder they called in recommended these dry rods and I’m looking for opinions as I’ve never heard of them before.
I'd have thought the mortar between the bricks would?Plaster is know to suck up moisture like a sponge, but apparently brickwork doesn't.
It's an interesting subject, to be sure.
Well, not really.I'd have thought the mortar between the bricks would?