Double fail for Amazon

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trying to break our greatest ever book the Magna Carta for God sake that book is probably the most important book in the world and we can't protect that.
It was a publicity stunt! They were never going to actually break into it, and clearly we did protect it otherwise it would be destroyed, which it isn't.

It's about time people woke up to the reality, giving power and putting it in the hands of local government is a guaranteed route that allow people to abuse the system, waste money and steal from the system making millions for themselves they just can't help themselves. It's human nature. at least in one place we can control it.
So instead it goes to a central government that can and does abuse the system but at a higher level. Look at the US, does that seem like it is entirely under control? It is run by money, people who control the money control everything. That includes people like Murdoch, Bezos and Musk. There is a reason Musk is sniffing around Trumps behind, he is desparate to do things like stop unionisation and judges preventing a $56Billion bonus, which is frankly insane.

You think Amazon got as big as they got playing by the rules? If you are a little bookshop and you avoid paying tax you'll end up having HMRC run you through. When you are as big as Amazon you tell HMRC how much you want to pay.

In 2012 I had a ltd company and I paid £1500 in corporate tax that year. Same year facebook paid £3000. I didn't make a 1/2 of what facebook made that year, or I would be on my super yacht in the med right now.
It was a publicity stunt! They were never going to actually break into it, and clearly we did protect it otherwise it would be destroyed, which it isn't.
Of course it was a publicity stunt but my point remains the same. We can't seem to protect our national assets or stop our roads from being blocked and we pretty much allow anybody to do anything they want to and get away with with just a slap on their wrists

My point was is that this has to stop. people need to be shamed and named and in my opinion locked up I don't care whether the prisons are full or not stick them in detention camps somewhere and let the army give them 90 days Boot Camp, the police need to do their job and bring law and order back to the streets and if it costs money so be it but at the moment the few in general population that carry out these sort of events don't seem to give a dung because they know there are no consequences.

When people break the law there need to be consequences and they need to be hard fast and hurt either in a pecuniary manner or bloody hard labour I really don't care but they need to know they can't break the law without consequences.

If you're a law abiding citizen, you have nothing to fear. one of the other issues in the UK is there is no identity card system like there is here in Spain and nearly every other country in Europe. That is something I feel we should bring in the only people that would be against this tend to have something to hide.

We use it every day in Spain when you want to buy something of any real value you may be required to show it , guarantees your name and address and your fingerprints, if you need to provide evidence of your identity to social services or some other organisation it's used, you are required to carry it 24/7 it doesn't bother me that I have one because I have nothing to hide.

All illegal migrants who turn up on our UK shores are currently fingerprinted and carry ID cards so why not the rest of the UK would make life a lot easier especially for the police and Social services . To be honest most UK people don't realise that they actually already have a form of ID card without realising it. It's called your Social Security number which is issued to youI think when you're 14 and follows you for the rest of your life so it's only a matter of moving that a little bit more up the ladder formalising it into a plastic ID card with chip and fingerprints job done. I can even use it as ID to fly anywhere with Spain.

Ill look at your links
Of course it was a publicity stunt but my point remains the same. We can't seem to protect our national assets or stop our roads from being blocked and we pretty much allow anybody to do anything they want to and get away with with just a slap on their wrists

My point was is that this has to stop. people need to be shamed and named and in my opinion locked up I don't care whether the prisons are full or not stick them in detention camps somewhere and let the army give them 90 days Boot Camp, the police need to do their job and bring law and order back to the streets and if it costs money so be it but at the moment the few in general population that carry out these sort of events don't seem to give a dung because they know there are no consequences.

When people break the law there need to be consequences and they need to be hard fast and hurt either in a pecuniary manner or bloody hard labour I really don't care but they need to know they can't break the law without consequences.

If you're a law abiding citizen, you have nothing to fear. one of the other issues in the UK is there is no identity card system like there is here in Spain and nearly every other country in Europe. That is something I feel we should bring in the only people that would be against this tend to have something to hide.

We use it every day in Spain when you want to buy something of any real value you may be required to show it , guarantees your name and address and your fingerprints, if you need to provide evidence of your identity to social services or some other organisation it's used, you are required to carry it 24/7 it doesn't bother me that I have one because I have nothing to hide.

All illegal migrants who turn up on our UK shores are currently fingerprinted and carry ID cards so why not the rest of the UK would make life a lot easier especially for the police and Social services . To be honest most UK people don't realise that they actually already have a form of ID card without realising it. It's called your Social Security number which is issued to youI think when you're 14 and follows you for the rest of your life so it's only a matter of moving that a little bit more up the ladder formalising it into a plastic ID card with chip and fingerprints job done. I can even use it as ID to fly anywhere with Spain.

Ill look at your links
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be pro Magda Carta and pro identity cards.

I can't quite get my head around that.
@artie - Correcting you

In case you don't understand that 'Magda' is incorrect - - - it is MagNa Carta.

Originally written in 1215 but subsequently re-written a number of times, and primarily limiting the power of the monarch.

None of the original clauses are currently in force and only 3 of those incorporated into the 1297 re-write are.
@artie - Correcting you

In case you don't understand that 'Magda' is incorrect - - - it is MagNa Carta.

Originally written in 1215 but subsequently re-written a number of times, and primarily limiting the power of the monarch.

None of the original clauses are currently in force and only 3 of those incorporated into the 1297 re-write are.
Thank you.

But did it ever have any force, surely a document signed under duress is void?
Thank you.

But did it ever have any force, surely a document signed under duress is void?
That's a moot point - and certainly why it took many 're-writes' before the 1297 version came into effect - and has ultimately been mostly abandoned.

Regrettably my historical knowledge - particularly in the political/legal arena - is sadly lacking, but there is little doubt that Magna Carta has had a strong bearing on how our laws have been formed.
Why can't the NHS seem to do that in the UK?

Well, here is a list of SOME of the reasons:
Underfunding, poor pay, VERY long hours, not enough hospitals, lack of staff (Brexshit didn't help) not enough investment in mental health services, not enough GPs in surgeries, etc, etc.

As for Amazon, the company are actively fighting to prevent unionisation. Their workers are driven HARD, with poor conditions. Problems with delivery or return are no worse than with any other "mail" business.
I only buy stuff from Amazon if the price is right or I can’t get it elsewhere. Lots of places can compete on price but then charge silly amounts for shipping. Something I was after the other day only cost a few pounds but the shipping was four times the cost of the product.
I only buy stuff from Amazon if the price is right or I can’t get it elsewhere. Lots of places can compete on price but then charge silly amounts for shipping. Something I was after the other day only cost a few pounds but the shipping was four times the cost of the product.
Finally back on track!
If I had to consider where a product came from or who the CEO is I’d probably struggle to buy anything. Not buying a product because you think you don’t like the boss seems a bit silly to me, especially if you’re paying more to buy what you want elsewhere.
I’ve always disliked Bill Gates so not buying Microsoft products has been conveniently easy for me as I’ve always hated Windows anyway …
I have a friend in the States who has a serious dislike of Jeff Besos but still says he would be mad not to use Amazon! I agree.
A friend of mine said something similar but still admitted he bought stuff from them. I’m still wondering why he opened his mouth for that one.
If I had to consider where a product came from or who the CEO is I’d probably struggle to buy anything. Not buying a product because you think you don’t like the boss seems a bit silly to me, especially if you’re paying more to buy what you want elsewhere.
I’ve always disliked Bill Gates so not buying Microsoft products has been conveniently easy for me as I’ve always hated Windows anyway …
Whilst I agree it is pretty hard to judge the morals of CEOs everytime you want to buy something, I'd argue it's relatively easy to pick out the worst offenders based on their net worth and salary.

Jeff Bezos net worth is ~$200 Billion. You don't get to have that much money by playing by the rules or paying people the correct wage.

How many times have I seen people on here complaining about being ripped off by someone, not getting paid for the job you did or being diddled by some loophole. Amazon does that to everyone.

Society works by spreading the money around, each person getting a little bit of the pie. Amazon, and others like it, work on the simple principle of working at a loss for many years to get people hooked then either reducing the quality and/or increasing the cost once they have destroyed the competition. Once those smaller services/suppliers are gone, they aren't coming back.

Also Amazon Web Services (AWS) control ~31% of the internet! Isn't that slightly concerning that almost 1/3 of the internet is controlled by 1 company.
Amazon does that to everyone? We buy from Amazon or via Amazon probably 6 -8 times a week, usually stuff that's not available locally. We've never been ripped off or diddled. It's a highly efficient operation. There are calls for it to pay more tax, but that's for the government to decide - it pays what it legally has to, like all large firms.

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