Deed Poll

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3 Mar 2005
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Does anyone know anything about the Deed Pole process? I want to change my name and I'm trying to work out how to do it. If you google Deed Pole you get hundreds of companies offering you deals to do it for you. A bit of further reading and it seems the Deed Pole process is just a piece of paper that says you've changed your name. Apparently there is no national record of people changing their names. i.e your birth certificate does not change.

Anyone know about this or even done it?

Nothing dodgy, just my middle name needs to be dropped as having it read out on our wedding day will touch nerves with my mum and dad who have not spoke in 18yrs.
Would it not be easier to ask the vicar not to speak your middle name - or just not submit it. As far as I know middle knows aren't compulsary. I've never used my middle name in anything.
It's a civil service and we went to register the other day. They really grilled us, as if we were illegal immigrants or something.

Anyway she asked to see my passport and drivers licence which both have my shortened first name then my surname. My middle name only exists on my birth cert. However, she really grilled me about if my birth cert had my full first name or the shortened version. I admitted to the full version as I'm not at all bothered about it. I kept quiet about the middle name but missus tells me that the birth cert is to be produced on the day. I am concerned they will insist on saying all the names and this really will cause upset. It sounds silly, families are nightmares and weddings are stressful.
Ithought you could be known by any name you choose and that seems to be what CAB say ... f_name.htm

How to change your name

If you wish to be known by a different name you can change your name at any time, provided you do not intend to deceive or defraud another person. There is no legal procedure to follow in order to change a name. You simply start using the new name. You can change your forename or surname, add names or rearrange your existing names.

Although there is no legal way to change a name, you may want evidence that you have changed your name (see under heading Evidence of change of name). However, you cannot change details on your birth certificate, except in limited circumstances.

Als, from

If you wish to legally change your name, or your children's names, you can use the Deed Poll process, which has been used by hundreds of thousands of people for over 150 years.

By Deed Poll, you can officially change any part or all of your name. For example, you can change your forenames, surname (or both), add names, remove names, change the spelling of your names or rearrange your existing names. You can change your name by Deed Poll as often as you want, at any time and for any reason provided it is not for deceptive or fraudulent purposes.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no central register of name changes in the United Kingdom. Deed Polls are not registered anywhere unless they are "enrolled" i.e. lodged for safe keeping, in the Close Rolls of the Chancery (from 1851 to 1902) and from 1903, in the Enrolment Books of the Supreme Court of Judicature, which is located within the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, London.

which seems to have a fee of around £25

Hope that helps, Andy
Was Jonny cash involved at all?

no offence meant, I wish jolly good luck to you on your wedding day, you never know mate, it could be a catalyst for your parents, stranger things have happened at sea.

Rich. :)
Valerie............. What's your real middle name :?:

Reasonably common male name in other european countries - good enough for a French president not so long ago (OK, slight variation on spelling)
Wizer, if I were you I'd just search for a more sympathetic registrar.

(Well, I do have a more controversial solution, but I'm not sure I know you well enough to suggest it. And anyway, SWMBO wouldn't let me)
I agree with steve, just explain the situation to them and ask them politely to omit the middle name, I can't see it being a big deal.
heheh it's obviously not Valerie, it's not a funny name at all, it's quite common one. ;)

Changing registrars at this late a date would actually be impossible in the process and cause even more stress that a (this) wedding already causes.

I'll follow the Deed Poll process just in case. I could have fun with what to change it to, and get a real laugh in the ceremony. But I cherish, what's left of, my health So I'll just drop it.

Everything is as I researched, just didn't want to loose money on a worthless document. Which I guess it is really. But to save an awkward moment, I'm happy to keep the peace. I've already had to invite my brother ( :evil: :roll: ) !
Can we have a vote for suggestions?

Mr Clumsy is an obvious suggestion, as is Unlucky Alf from the Fast Show, but what about Plop, the owl from the kids stories who kept falling off his branch

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