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Wizer - Strange this have happened - iro the catalyst weddings have referred to:

When I got married my in-laws had divorced (after 22 years of marriage) and the got re-hitched just before our wedding day.

They have now been remarried for 20 years!

So, wonders never cease!
I dropped my middle name years & years ago. No problem, just ask the Registrar to omit your middle name at the ceremony.

John. B
[-( Not tellin' (it's honestly not an amusing name, very normal indeed)

My parents definitely will never ever re-marry. I'm not going to go into the sordid, bitter details. But I can't imagine 2 very different people.

Our family are a complete nightmare, very segregated and, in many cases, for no real reason. The contrast is that Missus-to-be has a close knit and very large Irish family. We were forced to cut down the guest list from nearly 150 to less than 70. The ratio of my family and friends to hers is about 70/30.
wizer":29hvzcnu said:
[-( Not tellin' (it's honestly not an amusing name, very normal indeed)

My parents definitely will never ever re-marry. I'm not going to go into the sordid, bitter details. But I can't imagine 2 very different people.

Our family are a complete nightmare, very segregated and, in many cases, for no real reason. The contrast is that Missus-to-be has a close knit and very large Irish family. We were forced to cut down the guest list from nearly 150 to less than 70. The ratio of my family and friends to hers is about 70/30.

sounds a bit like my family really - very fragmented and quite small. I can count my family on one hand, or those that speak to each other. I havn't spoken to my brother for many a year and have no real intentions..

70 irishmen - wow, i hope your bar bill is big enough :)
So your middle name invokes some bad memorys?
Just what is wrong with being called Thhhho-maas or Thomas... Thomas theres a mouse in the house or does the full name remind you of being told off?
Nothing at all wrong with being called Thomas. Mainly my Dad only calls me by that name nowadays. But if i'm in trouble with the missus or beered up (those were the days) with me mates then I am Thomas.

Actually, Tommy is my known shorted name amongst friends and family. But I call myself Tom.

Yes and it's too early to crack open the beer. Especially when I have a guitar top to try and glue together
Ironballs":2esmyrir said:
Yes and it's too early to crack open the beer. Especially when I have a guitar top to try and glue together
Is that for your les-paul build, or are you starting another?
No, it's the same one :oops: progress is just a little slow, picking it up again after parking it at end November. Having looked at the top it's not actually ready for glueing yet, it needs a little shooting first. Not a problem except that I don't have a shooting board...
Hi Wizer

We didn't give our children middle names. When my youngest daughter was about twelve she decided she would like to have a middle name. So we went to a solicitor who drew up a declaration saying she renounced her previous names and wanted to be known as the new names henceforth.

It cost less than £50.

I can send you a copy of the document if you want the wording, but it will be different as she was a minor.

cheers Chris.

I think that is what these companies on google are offering, some are as cheap as £7.50. As far as I can work out, you just have to draw the document up and get a professional person to sign it.

I'm happy to pay £7.50 and forget about it.
IB - you don't need a shooting board to joint the caps. All you need to do is take both of them face to face, put them in a vice, and using a long plane on their edge - plane them flat, it doesn't matter if it's not at ninenty, because when you put them together the angle will be complimentary and will fit perfectly.
Wizer ,the only person you have to please from now on is your new wife ,you'll have enough on your hands trying to do that :D so sod the rest of the world.....Your parents gave you the name anyway so let them get over it ....and if they're not happy with it tell them not to bother coming
If you discover the formula for making a woman happy ,would you please post it on here...I and many others have searched for it for years :duno: ....just when you think you have it cracked they change their minds ...AGAIN... :cry: