The most amazing thing this thread shows me, to date, is the amount of hours and research people are prepared to put in to try to win an internet arguement.
Lot and lots of links and articles posted, enormous amounts of google foo. Of course specifically selected articles from left or right wing papers, to suit their purpose.
Just think if Jacob had expended just 0.5% of that google foo, on checking that the ridiculous form he was sent was incorrect (which surely as a remotely intelligent man he must have suspected) then he would have resolved the situation almost instantaniously compared with the current 2 weeks of debate (plus 4 previous years).
At present the binaryness is at stalemate for interested parties. However as I have said before 95% of the public don't care, don'tcare who's in power, etc ........... it's just not important to most people.
I like popping in, but it sucks you in and wastes so much time.
Dad is very poorly and going into 24hr care, makes you realise wasting time is not good, good luck guys, remember that this debate is unwinable, don't waste too much time, make sure you get priorities right.