Craftsmanship. The simple definition.

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Pass the screwdriver

Established Member
24 Aug 2024
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If you find yourself in a position where your very survival depends on making a hunting tool that will put food in your mouth, you WILL make that Bow or Spear to the very best of your ability.
That's it. We all have that primal understanding in our DNA.
When I was an apprentice it was drummed in to me. Take the time to do it right because nobody else's wants to come behind and fix your fck up !
Do it right and you sleep well at night.
It's not pride or ego. It's not vanity.
The real value in working wood is that it's a natural product that connects you with nature.
It teaches you so many useful skills in the process too.
But most people shuffle paper and digits. There is nothing tangible at the end of their desk job that reflects their own journey through life.
So men build sheds in the back yard and do stuff. I think this is a great thing. A very necessary antidote.
If anyone asks me for advice on how to learn woodwork I only have one strong opinion. Don't waste this valuable material doing a half arsed job. Take the little extra time to do proper joints. The fundamentals are not hard to grasp or learn.
You will thank yourself for it when you do.
Out there we are often forced to lie, pretend, take short cuts and short change people.
But doing an honest piece of work no matter how simple ? Feels good.
I was when I was an employee amazed at just how low my skills were valued in the job market. The guy flipping burgers earned more than me. The Hookers working the strip earned more in an afternoon than I did in a week.
We joked about getting fckd for free by our boss four days out of five.
So I posted the "amazing picture" just to display the irony of the situation. I'm going to change it to something entirely my own work next week.
Do I feel bitter about it ?
No. I just accepted that the price was worth it for the experience. It was.
The Brits understand the value of honest quality work more than most. Unlike other nations we don't take ourselves to seriously though and that I believe is a good healthy thing.
Certainly I can do exotic work but it's the simple things that bring me real pleasure. Woodworking is a strange business. It requires so many tools. It can get insanely expensive. But it doesn't have to be.
I suspect this is going to be interesting to watch. Two days ago on Saturday August 24 2024 a spark took hold and became a 44 post inferno (and counting, probably) within that 48 hour period.

How long will this last I ask myself? Will this inferno burn itself out just as fast as it sprang up from seemingly nowhere? Or will this blaze mature into a gently smouldering pile of ash that from time to time spits out a pearl or two of wisdom?

I think I'll keep an eye open here for developments, ha, ha. Slainte.
I’ll say this and I know it’s not everyone’s way of thinking but I’ve found over the years that several of the trades I’ve dealt with have several different levels of work quality. The absolute best is reserved for working in their own home and maybe a few very close friends and family members. Then there is the “ well he knocked the price down so low I can’t make a profit unless I do it in 2 hours instead of 8 “ and of course the greedy boss who wants everything doing to a high level of quality as long as it’s done quickly. I only have 1 level of quality and that is the absolute best of my ability. Sometimes you have to work within the confines of what your presented with and although your experience tells you to rip it all out and start again ( I’m not correcting someone else’s work for eg ) this is not always possible or financially viable. An oversight at my friends house that has been ongoing for nearly 2 years now left him with newel posts that were too short to accept the glass panels and the steel hand rails and associated brackets. Before I could say ( you need longer newel posts ) they did this …..
Not only were the joints as rough as a bears backside they weren’t in line and the screw holes were not counter sunk and the even rougher glue/ sawdust filler was beyond a joke …


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All that is simply one mans opinion, nothing more. I can agree with some but certainly not all of the statement.
I certainly wouldn't call that a "simple definition"
I would like to ask why the OP keeps making veiled swipes at other nations values on quality work.
So new posts were not an option and time was against us so I basically made good counter sinking the screws , removed all the excess glue/ sawdust and planed and sanded and refilled all the joints , used longer screws where necessary and planed and blended the 2 pieces until the joint was near invisible. A couple of coats of gloss and it’s sorted .
I seem to have lost the picks of the filled / and sanded joints but will post later but hopefully you will get my point . I spent -a whole day in 2 halves putting it right ..


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I suspect this is going to be interesting to watch. Two days ago on Saturday August 24 2024 a spark took hold and became a 44 post inferno (and counting, probably) within that 48 hour period.

How long will this last I ask myself? Will this inferno burn itself out just as fast as it sprang up from seemingly nowhere? Or will this blaze mature into a gently smouldering pile of ash that from time to time spits out a pearl or two of wisdom?

I think I'll keep an eye open here for developments, ha, ha. Slainte.
Oh I wouldn't hold your breath. I give myself another week at best.
And that's being very very optimistic.
I give myself another week at best.
And that's being very very optimistic.
So why bother coming here in the first place? Is your goal to irritate and antagonise as many people as possible as fast as possible? You're not the first I've seen arrive like a bolt out of the blue and post furiously for a short while, usually swiftly followed by acrimony and accusations by the twenty or thirty posts (plus?) a day poster of being misunderstood and/or persecuted followed by an equally rapid disappearance. Slainte.
Mr Screwed driver has left. Well he did expect to be thrown out, no point disappointing him.
I've been here a while and never have I encountered such an awful, arrogant member. If he isn't trolling he needs help.
Well @Dauph has recently joined and seems a little more humble - he has posted an intro and some pics of what he describes as passable boxes he,s made .. I think they are far better than passable.. I think we all need a change of subject..