Today was the lowest humidity day for at least a week (thanks, profchris), at 50% RH, so it was the day for gluing in the soundboard. First the string ribs, to which the strings attach, needed preparing. These came ready shaped with the kit and just needed smoothing and edge rounding. I masked off the soundboard around the string rib to keep the hardener just where needed. Aerolite comes with a powdered resin plus a liquid hardener, you apply one to each surface.
Then it was glued, positioned and clamped to the bench (having cleaned and smoothed that bit of the bench first).
I had lost the similar string rib for underneath, so was looking in my "small wood sorter" for something suitable. I looked in the "70 - 100 cm hardwood" section ... and found the original, neatly filed in the right place. Wow! So this was similarly prepared and glued after a couple of hours setting time for the upper rib. Again tape was used both to mark the position (opposite the top rib) and keep the hardener where it should be.
Next a simple channel rebate was cut at each end of the soundbox to accept the lower string rib. I took trouble to make sure things fitted quite well at this stage, and went on the loose side for the channels. I don't want any slightly poor fits causing a bump and lack of adhesion. This isn't a case where a little adhesive is sufficient, it really has to contact the soundboard all around the edge of the soundbox, with no cracks. Otherwise the strings might pull it off. So this is glued with a thick mix of Aerolite to fill any gaps, and fixed with every cramp of this sort of size that I own. Before glueing, the position of the bolt hole to affix the pillar was marked with a dowel centre, and the hole drilled through the sound board. An 8mm bolt was put in (but not tightened) during glueing, which acted as an index for the right position. I shall run some thinner Aerolite around the join when it is set, to try to ensure that the joint really is tight.
Ideally one should drill the string ribs for the strings before the glue up. But since the string spacing template has gone AWOL, and the firm (Border Harps) has gone out of business, I will have to work out the spacing from the positions of the string bridges on the neck, and the location of the pillar. I can't do this till it is all assembled.
So the soundbox is now complete except for access/sound holes at the back. I'd like neat elliptical ones - see my other thread where I am asking if anyone can make me an elliptical router template with a CNC router!