Computer PSU problem

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Established Member
26 Feb 2006
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oop norf
Not exactly a problem - more a sort of ''s toasted itself' thing really.

The 'puter's been eating 13amp fuses for some time - yesterday it went down again and I changed the fuse, nothing. Tried another just in case, nothing. Then I smelt that fried electrics smell and sure enough the side of the PSU was roasting and the outer case too.

Do you think it's a reasonable assumption that it is the psu ? any way of checking without changing it/using meters etc that I don't have?

The label says it's a max 350w ATX - is that all I need to know when I go to PC world? Does a new one come with all those pretty coloured wires on it and is it possible for a dummy to fit one?

Or should I just wait for my local repair shop to reopen from an extended New year break?

I would go to the repair man just in case its taken any other equipment when it expired , but the answer to all the other questions is yes.
i agree with old on this one.
i am in the car motor trade (mechanic) and have had small water temp switch to go down and cause wiring damage and taking out expinsive e.c.u with it get it checked to be sure.
Oh the absence of anyone saying 'Hey, yes it's definitely that - go for it , it's dead easy' or alternatively '....don't even think about it !'

I'll give it a go.......if something else got fried, then at least it should switch on and my Mr fixit won't have to fix the psu as well...........or am I missing something?

PC world here I come.....?

Scrums":3cft4479 said:
PC world here I come.....?

Hi Scrums

Please don't go to PC world, horrible rip off place that it is. They obscenely overcharge for everything. A 350W ATX psu should cost you no more than £10 for one. Try Here for eg.
Scrums":659fimlb said:
350w ATX - is that all I need to know /snip/ Does a new one come with all those pretty coloured wires on it and is it possible for a dummy to fit one?

Yup it cannot be fitted to the wrong plugs, it is a nice design the ATX and can be fitted by anyone.
Oh why did you say that ?

Yup I can get it for less than a tenner - + delivery is still 1/2 the price of PC world.....but I can't get it tomorrow.....hummmphh !


....and now swmbo has seen this post!


ORDERED ! £16.70 inc' delivery v. £35 from PC World tomorrow.
I hope that a simple and straightforward power supply replacement does the job, Chris - but it can't be guaranteed. The PSU converts mains voltage into 5 and 12 volt supplies to various tender little circuits and components. If, when it expired, it released more power down its nicely-coloured wires than it should, all sorts of problems could result.

New motherboard, main processor, hard drive(s), etc., etc. are all vulnerable and easily nuked by this type of failure. You might well be able to guess how I know this to be so. :(

Prior to fitting it, if it's a dual-voltage type, make sure that the switch is on 220 and not 110. :eek:

Ray. new psu later - £16.90 inc' p&p and a working computer !

Slight problem though - whilst attaching all those pretty coloured leads I must have dislodged the memory card - of course I didn't spot that myself and Mr Fixit in the computer hospital charged me £25 to clip it back in!.......oh well....

Scrums":jn0efn15 said: new psu later - £16.90 inc' p&p and a working computer !

Phew, glad my recommendation worked out for you. Sorry about the memory thing.