Combined Flu jab

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From what I’ve read recently, Covid vaccines are quite batch variable. Some batches have apparently caused excess adverse reactions have been withdrawn in the past. Just because someone has had one, two four or more Covid vaccinations without apparent complications doesn’t mean this will continue. Then of course there is time. It could be Jacob that you’ll have a stroke or heart attack in a few years but no one will attribute it to your vaccinations. Because quite simply you’re unimportant and it’s not in their interest.

Not that many in reality. It's like climate change scepticism; something like 99% of scientists support the man-made climate change hypothesis. The 1% remaining may well number in thousands, but so what?
I genuinely feel sorry for you. What a lonely life you must lead.
I don’t believe he was. But what’s your view on the Nurses that refused the vaccination? Some lost their jobs and many others protested about mandatory vaccination at the time.

I suspect many are still unvaccinated.
He was - he was saying that doctors would deliberately falsify a cause of death certificate. One might say that I'm quite familiar with hospital doctors, and they really don't do this - however much the family might wish them to record it differently.

Nurses? Well, it's interesting. Medical students at university cannot join their course without a set of vaccinations. Similarly any NHS employees in path labs (including management) are required to have up to date certification. So we're not very consistent to say the least.
My personal opinion is that anyone commencing a nursing or medicine (or other clinical, patient-facing) course should be required to have both Covid and 'flu vaccines as well as the full suite of others. No exceptions. Thereafter it should be a requirement of employment to maintain that status. I'm less sure we can apply it retrospectively, especially when the majority of the hesitants are from global majority backgrounds and many we have just brought to the uk to address shortages. However, if you change the rules at the training/start of career stage the issue will resolve with time.
Incidentally, the government changed their minds about compulsion so nobody lost their job; more misinformation.

I do wish you'd look at peer-reviewed high impact journals and not scrape conspiracies off youtube. Christ on a bike we've even got someone saying "the truth is out there". Next they'll be calling us sheeple
From what I’ve read recently, Covid vaccines are quite batch variable. Some batches have apparently caused excess adverse reactions have been withdrawn in the past. Just because someone has had one, two four or more Covid vaccinations without apparent complications doesn’t mean this will continue. Then of course there is time. It could be Jacob that you’ll have a stroke or heart attack in a few years but no one will attribute it to your vaccinations. Because quite simply you’re unimportant and it’s not in their interest.

Honestly, just stop. This is laughable

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