Combined Flu jab

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My grandfather died of TB. My uncle had diphtheria. My father had polio. I had measles that very nearly killed me. My boy died of myocarditis caused by covid. I'll take the jabs, thank you very much.
Exactly Phil and if anyone read the list of "possible" side effects and the hysteria from naysayers then refused medication they may well have paid the ultimate price. Doing research and asking questions is fine and sensible but it's human nature to then pick out only what they want to believe.

My wife has Parkinsons, still relatively early stages but kepr stable and under control by drugs. There is no cure and the drugs can have serious side effects but should she refuse them? Not a chance.
Thank you. I had covid, three days of a very mild cold. I passed it to him, he was 20, fit, didn't smoke, do any drugs or anything. Four days from being healthy to being dead. He wasn't vaccinated, the daft thing was that he wasn't anti vaccine, he just didn't get around to it. The consultant at the time said whether it would have made a difference no one would ever know.

If anyone doesn't want to be vaccinated, then fine - don't bother.....
Except that you are more likely to catch whatever it is, more likely make demands and be a cost to the NHS / other carers, more likely to be spreading it too.
It's a social responsibility.
Not taking them could be seen as not only stupid but also selfish and inconsiderate.
If in doubt talk to a normal doctor. Do not listen to the nutters.
As the fairground notices say: 'You ride at your own risk'.
If you don't take them you could be a risk to others.
We've just had our flu/covid shots. Seems quite side-effect free for me, 'er indoors says her arms ache.
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I had the two separate ones at the same time last year and felt no adverse effects. I doubt whether this one would be any different but have no degrees in immunology to back it up.

I do have a degree in virology. And published, peer reviewed, research.
We know about side effects precisely because the process is rigorous.
For context, if I inject you with a sterile needle and a small bolus of sterile saline, you have approximately a 1 in 10^6 chance of a serious anaphylactic reaction.

Vaccine-scepticism is ignorant and heart-breaking. What's terrifying is that misinformation from invalidated sources on the internet seems far more credible and "sticky" to some people than the generally simpler, more credible, better evidenced but sometimes prosaic truth - which is that vaccines overwhelmingly save lives. No "short cuts" have been taken with the Covid vaccines; what has been achieved is an unprecedented collaborative global execution of the trials protocol in order to reach a definitive outcome as quickly as possible.