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I would encourage anyone making an argument that implies that 'scientific concensus' means there is no longer any need for further exploration or discussion of a topic to look up Galileo Galilei, Ignaz Semmelweis, Alfred Wegener, Barbara McClintock, Lynn Margulis etc etc etc.
Nobody says this in the first place and anyway scientists know this better than anyone.
A consensus may change continually as research continues. They never rest!
Climate change is in the forefront of course and the consensus is very consistent, but it's about projected probable outcomes rather than definitive proof.
If anything the consensus here underestimated the rates of change, as events are now showing, around the globe. Maybe that's all they dared to publish, not to be too alarmist!
PS your examples are not very good. Except for the last two they did not all overthrow "scientific" consensus, there were non on their subjects. Rather they made discoveries and/or simply introduced science.
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PS your examples are not very good. Except for the last two they did not all overthrow "scientific" consensus, there were non on their subjects. Rather they made discoveries and/or simply introduced science.

Your link appear to be articles about weather events. One particular in Morocco that is seemingly reported by locals as positive as there has been a significant period of drought. It should also be remembered that the Sahara was once fertile and green and became a desert without any help from carbon entering the atmosphere by man. These articles are not proof of man made climate change as a result of co2 and to claim they are is disingenuous.

The 5 examples are all scientist who's theories stood in opposition of thinking at the time and were roundly dismissed and derided by the popular 'consensus' whether that was scientific or not. This attitude and behaviour is exactly what we see now from proponents of man made climate change when presented with alternate hypotheses.

The 5 examples are all scientist who's theories stood in opposition of thinking at the time and were roundly dismissed and derided by the popular 'consensus' whether that was scientific or not.
Not entirely true. If you take them in the order given, the time taken for their oppositions to concede actually reduces with time passing, as modern science itself expands and becomes more efficient and open minded. Scepticism itself is the driving force behind science and only to be expected.
This attitude and behaviour is exactly what we see now from proponents of man made climate change when presented with alternate hypotheses.
Exactly untrue.
There is no science published explaining how the activities of mankind could possibly have no effect on climate.
Non of your "alternative hypotheses" address this simple issue.
The amount of CO2 we put into the atmosphere is quantifiable. The greenhouse effect is well established simple lab science since 1894.
How could it be that the CO2 would not act according to the known science and the forecasts (first made in1896).
There would have to be another process at work countering the greenhouse effect, and another explanation of the climate change we are seeing.
We have the latter of course - other "natural" processes at work, but we don't have any explanation of how the greenhouse effect could not be working as forecast when we pump CO2 into the atmosphere.
In fact the climate change deniers haven't even attempted to explain this at any point.
They never really got started on the topic and have nothing interesting to say.
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..... It should also be remembered that the Sahara was once fertile and green and became a desert without any help from carbon entering the atmosphere by man. .......... not proof of man made climate change as a result of co2 and to claim they are is disingenuous.
Speak for yourself! It's disingenuous to suggest that anybody is suggesting that prehistoric events are a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions!
Although the Gaia hypothesis might have something to say on this.