Cole Jaw Buttons

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Established Member
31 Dec 2004
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Cotswolds UK
May be of interest to those using Cole Jaws from various sources.

I have Axminster Brand Cole Jaws and use them extensively in my turning niche.
Always on the lookout for maximising the security of hold for different situations I'm open to improving the safety aspects of the hold whenever possible.

The Axminster 'rubber' buttons are soft and are good for light cutting loads and no mar work but need tailstock safety support for significant cutting loads. (they were until recently exorbenently expensive to replace)

This has resulted in me ending up with several sets of differing spec. to increase the versatility of the Cole Jaws.
1. Oneway (stronghold) Buttons from 'The Toolpost' (half the price of Axminster set at the time of purchase and a firmer no mar hold)
2. Turning multiple versions from Old chopping board material, very firm hold but prone to mar.
3. Various metal versions. good grip but obviously mar any surface.
4. Printing various density versions on 3D printer, good concentricity of hold but not safe without tailstock support due to limited resilience of the 'plastic matrix' when compressed.
5. And last but not least the recent acquisition of the Record Power Rectangular versions whilst down at Yandles.

Can only say I am very pleased with the holding performance of the Record Versions, and despite initial scepticism on my part about the shape find them to provide an excellent no mar grip.

So basically what I'm saying is, as long as the fixing thread form is the same don't be too precious about Brand loalty if another's version provides an advantage for you.


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Thanks Chas, I've found much the same as you and mix and match according to requirements - including some home-made ones which started life as tapered bottle stoppers.
My go-to's, though are the RP ones like yours; just the right amount of firmness without too many worries about marring the wood.
I am sure this will aid a lot of people as many of your posts do Chas. Great to see people sharing their knowledge so others can benefit.

I can see the Record Power square ones having a better grip as more of them is able to be in contact with the surface they are holding