Just a footnote, AMEO, Australia is seeking permission to turn off some of its solar generation.
They are unable to balance the grid, so want to restart diesel power stations.
All this while they are ploughing on with building more solar and wind generation.
As their expert said, just as grid demand rises, the sun goes down and solar is not productive when the sun goes down. (Go figure

) Plus the grid balancing system can't cope with the solar generation and balance it.
So, while we are ramping up renewable resources, we aren't keeping pace with developing the controls needed.
it is also being seen in the reduced rates the utilities company are paying for domestic generation.
It's getting to the state that california has considered stopping payments completely and even charging domestic users for their excess generation sent to the grid.
The current advice is for domestic users to invest heavily in energy storage, ie batteries.
Just in case you can't see it, they are getting users to invest in the infrastructure instead of the energy companies. Then they will want to drain your batteries to feed the grid and balance their aging systems.
I suggest that if you generate and store your energy, don't let them use it, ensure you exhaust it first.
But, you could charge at cheap rate and sell back during demand period 6pm to 9pm and make a profit.
But it won't be long till they plug that loop hole. So make hay while the sun shines so to speak