Clever NEW biscuit jointer

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HOLY SH*T! HOW MUCH! Have they got their own flying penguins too? I can't see how they can justify a price like that for a glorified biscuit jointer.
Wow. Wonder how many they'll sell????? Just can't see the attraction, clever as it is.


Had it demoed by a great Swiss guy from Lamello at W10. He'd personally worked on the design so was very enthusiastic. It seemed almost a bit "Heath Robinson" to me although I didn't dare say that. The Clamex fixings are great - if you have a use for them, but the machine doesn't have the flexibility of a Top 20. I like Lamello gear and would not trade my Lamello biscuit jointer for anything except another Lamello machine. Just not sure of the advantage having a machine that does clamex and biscuits - you have to change the blade I think.

i know this is not strictly on-topic, but.....recently took delivery of my lamello c3.

while it does seem fairly bomb proof, i'm a little dissapointed that it is so basic.

the only way to "centre" the biscuits is with the stop fence. which, does not have a particularly accurate fixing mechanism. also this means i need another stop fence! at 43 quid that puts the price of the machine at nigh on 400 quid. :shock:

if i'm still using this machine in 15 years, maybe i'll be happy. gutted i couldn't afford the t20 now though.

15 years of having to make sure i attack the work from the right direction.....hhhhmmmmm.......c3 anyone? :roll:

They do a couple of really cheap plates that fit on to the main folding guide. I think one is 2mm (aluminium) and the other 4mm -plastic. (I thought the 4mm came with the C3. I know it does not perfectly centre the biscuit like the Top 20 but it is a quick and easy solution for centering - although of course you still have to keep your sides matched if you know what I mean.
I would like a top 20, but I've got through many thousands of biscuits with my predecessor to the C3 and even after dropping it on the floor far too many times its still going strong - its probably about 10 years old.


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