Right, chaps........I have finally got to see this stash of oak.......and it is a treasure trove!
It was air dried for 3 years in a open cartlodge, properly sticked. Since then (about 7 years) it has been stored in a farm shed, again, sticked. It is bone dry, flat and filthy!
There are about 25 of 1-1/4" boards up to 13 inches wide, 12.5 feet long
12 no 2" boards 9 to 10 inches wide about 12.5 feet long
Also, some 2-1/2" boards, some 6x6" planks about 6 feet long, some 6x4s up to 13 feet long.
I was completely unable to check boards within the pile. All I could see were the top boards and the ends of the lower stuff. Everything appeared flat, and a good number were shake-free. Apparently over half the wood is quarter sawn. There is woodworm in the sapwood, and there are a number of boards with large shakes. However, the boards are so big that even those would produce a good lot of furniture-grade timber.
All in all I reckon there to be at least 70 cu feet of oak. I have agreed a lump sum price for the lot, and it all needs to go quickly!!
So, here's the deal.......
£30 per cubic foot, and that is going to be only roughly calculated as I am not a timber merchant!!
It all has to go on the weekend of the 21st/22nd, and it is a question of turning up with a trailer, roofrack or van, some decent footwear, gloves and a dust mask (yes, I'm serious.....the place is a filthy farm shed)......and some cash.
I would like to narrow the times down, so please PM me if you are interested and we can agree times ........as well as sorting out directions. It will be first come first served and everything needs man-handling through an awkward space.......these are big boards!
The farm is between Halstead and Sudbury in North Essex.
There are some beautiful pieces of timber in here, and at about 75% of normal prices this strikes me a bargain. I doubt you could even find properly seasoned timber in some of these sizes. I'm not looking to make any money out of this.......just to end up with a few bits of decent wood.