I got a Sage Barista Express, which is an excellent small machine with steam wand. Has a grinder on top that fits a standard bag o’ beans perfectly with a tupperware style lid to keep it fresh. Also has a good grinder built in, and comes with baskets for fresh ground as well as pre-ground (aka ‘emergency’) coffee. It also has a little jug for steaming milk with temperature gauge.
It’s manual operation but pretty easy to get a really good espresso out of. The steam wand is a bit slow to warm up but works well. I really like the manual operations, there’s a knack to every step but this machine will do it nice if you just follow the motions in the manual…
The only whinges I have are:
- That the water tank is on the back so you often don’t realise it’s run empty (having not had any coffee yet in the morning, see?) and if you hit ‘go’ it results in a rubbish coffee oozing out with what water is left in the pipes, and you then have to discard the coffee and start again.
- once you have a decent machine you’ll realise it’s tricky to get a good coffee out of bad coffee! By that I mean pretty much all supermarket stuff (own brand or fancy) is too old regardless of how fresh it seems, so it has to be ground finer to hold pressure and turns out darker and more bitter. Anything pre ground also sucks. The solution isn’t cheap - i get my coffee delivered from Pact, roasted and sent out the same week and the result is super light, tasty coffee that doesn’t need 7 sugars and a pint of milk to take the edge off.
So the price of the machine (I paid about £400, 5 years ago) seemed a lot to me when buying but the main expense is a bag a week of coffee at 8 quid or so - so another 400 every year! But a bag of stale coffee from Morrisons is 3.50 or more anyway. I do have at least two doubles a day, and have barely ever visited coffee shops/costa et al since.
So overall I think it’s ‘cheap’ in as much as I can have a real good dose in the morning if at home, or if working elsewhere I save 4 quid on a road coffee.
The quality of the coffee is eye opening. A former latte person, I usually just drink espresso now with nothing added, and you realise how bad the coffee you get served in 90% of places in the UK actually is - even in restos or coffee shops that should be better!
I regret nothing