Some of you (i.e. Alf :wink
may remember that I inherited some planes (along with some other items) which Alf very kindly advised me on in this thread . I'm ashamed to admit that these planes (Stanley-Bailey #7, Record #77 and Record #405) represent my entire collection apart from the usual doorstop new Stanley which everyone seems to mistakenly buy when they first start butchering wood.
I would like to expand this collection a bit (for use, not for c*ll*cting) so I have something more suitable for smoothing, a jack and one or two block planes. My rough shopping list is:
#4 1/2 (maybe)
#60 1/2 block
#220 block
#20 Compass Plane (because I've wanted one since I was a kid, although I might have to wait until I have that miraculous dream find at a car boot sale
Having lurked on ebay in the Tools Hardware, Collectables section I've noticed that the planes I'm interested in seem to go for not much money - about 5-10% of the price of the equivalent L-N. My question is, how do you tell a good Stanley from a rubbish one? I can recognise the really new Stanleys, but when did they mutate from something useful into the modern junk? For instance, here is a typical ebay Stanley #4 - is it possible to tell from this as to whether this will tune up into a useful plane?
I realise I'm probably asking the impossible here - maybe I should just send my shopping list & a blank cheque to Alf! In case anyone wants to suggest it, I can't just go for L-N/Veritas/Clifton instead at the moment - it is a case of either getting old Stanleys/Records, or not getting anything
I would like to expand this collection a bit (for use, not for c*ll*cting) so I have something more suitable for smoothing, a jack and one or two block planes. My rough shopping list is:
#4 1/2 (maybe)
#60 1/2 block
#220 block
#20 Compass Plane (because I've wanted one since I was a kid, although I might have to wait until I have that miraculous dream find at a car boot sale
Having lurked on ebay in the Tools Hardware, Collectables section I've noticed that the planes I'm interested in seem to go for not much money - about 5-10% of the price of the equivalent L-N. My question is, how do you tell a good Stanley from a rubbish one? I can recognise the really new Stanleys, but when did they mutate from something useful into the modern junk? For instance, here is a typical ebay Stanley #4 - is it possible to tell from this as to whether this will tune up into a useful plane?
I realise I'm probably asking the impossible here - maybe I should just send my shopping list & a blank cheque to Alf! In case anyone wants to suggest it, I can't just go for L-N/Veritas/Clifton instead at the moment - it is a case of either getting old Stanleys/Records, or not getting anything