It is highly unlikely that the end of free movement will lead to any meaningful change in the housing situation. If anything in the event there was a drop in the housing market caused by a sudden rush of departures then it's likely the government would move to shore up those prices via other mechanisms.
Housing in the UK has become expensive because it's been made artificially scarce by a variety of government policies since the 50's.
A policy which reversed that artificial scarcity, and drove prices down would be politically very uncomfortable for any government, who would alienate a lot of people, and potentially create a negative equity crisis.
So until the majority of UK voters don't own their own home, and a party identifes that as a strategy which will allow them to win, it's most likely that we will continue to see successive governments come out with grand sounding but ultimately quite small and ineffective plans on housing.
So odds on, you will just have to wait it out until the political calculus changes.