Best router for use under a router table

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Established Member
18 Apr 2013
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I have now got myself a router table and have concluded that I need to look into the best router I can get to mount under it, my budget is probably going to be £200-250, but might be extended for the right unit.

What model would people recommend, my main interest is going to be making wooden boxes and small scale work. I would say about the largest bit I would want to use would be an 11-12mm cutter.

Should I look at a 1/4" or 1/2" collet model?

Sorry for all the questions, just need to get it right.

Thanks in advance

The standard response is get the best you can afford. I would suggest if you go quarter inch then get one that will also do 8mm as that can be very useful.

I have several Elu routers but they are no longer made and on eBay they are still quite expensive.


I'd buy a 1/2" router, there will come a time when you need the extra power / capacity - you can always fit a smaller collet.

Regards Mick
Hi Pete, I would def' consider the triton. If you are only going to be doing small scale stuff you could get away with the 1010w model but for around £170 you could go for the 1400w model which comes with a half inch collet and quarter inch. Some kits come with the above the table height adjustment winder but if not you can get them for about £ 7 on some spares sites.

Have fun with your new table,and any thing you need to know you can usually find on this site. I have got some invaluable information from some great people here ! Phil.
Spindle":3j7vp13b said:
I'd buy a 1/2" router, there will come a time when you need the extra power / capacity - you can always fit a smaller collet.

Speaking from the point of view of someone with only 1/4" routers, I'd have to agree!

Specifically, there's a few types of router bits that are uncommon (e.g. mitre lock bits) or unheard of (e.g. panel-raising bits*) on a 1/4" shank, and 1/4" routers tend to be underpowered compared to 1/2". There's certainly been times when I wished I could get through more wood at once than I could, or could cut a profile that isn't readily available for the router size I own. Once I get around to building a more permanent table I'll certainly be investing in a larger router myself.

* I'm sure someone will come along and prove me wrong, but the idea frightens me somewhat...
triton TRB001 gets my vote - Have been using one for years and would replace like for like if it fails tomorrow!
Dodge":hqwbs2lu said:
triton TRB001 gets my vote - Have been using one for years and would replace like for like if it fails tomorrow!

+1, and IMHO a 1/2 router with the power that goes with most of them is a must for table work, especially if you want to use the larger bits for raised panel doors and the like.


Another can of worms opened... I'd concur with the view of Elu routers; very good quality! Yes, some go for a lot of money on Ebay, but bargains can certainly be had. That said, the routers I own at the minute are a Freud mounted in a table and a Bosch. The Freud cost me £30, plus a Router Raiser and this makes a very good tool; plenty of power (2000w), above table height adjustment... For £30 I'm happy that it remain in the table. The Bosh is very stable hand held, quiet, great speed control and has a second, fixed base for use in a table. Define your priorities and your pick!
No brainer...

The Trend T11 every time...heres why:

2KW motor...necessary for any decent sized bits like the 90mm raised and fielded panel cutter
1/2" shank...dont even think about getting 1/4"...its waaay too thin for table use and will judder like crazy on all but the thinnest stuff
And the real has an adjustment mechanism that functions from underneath. This of course means that when upside down in your table you can adjust the height of the cutter without getting back strain every time you want to tweak it 1/4 of a mil....and trust me you will

Just that feature makes it indispensible. Its also the top of their range and a robust work horse. Ive had mine 4 years and its never blinked....absolutely brilliant
MickCheese":10rnhuf0 said:
barkwindjammer":10rnhuf0 said:

What a rubbish web site. Why would any proper business use script? I found it quite hard to read.

On the other hand the price looks good.


Have to agree about the website Mick, the owner-Dennis is at the end of a mobile phone for help and advice-even on a sunday night-top service, the router has a 1/2 and 1/4 collet, above table height winder, 1/2 inch straight bit, base plate extension plate/fence/circle cutting jig-all in the box, and the price is very competetive.
Like I said-cant fault it :D
If you are a DIYer like myself and cost is an issue, I have mounted the Draper expert fixed base under my router table, it has a 1/2 inch collet, a plunge base, and you can adjust the height with a hex key from above the table. Mine was about £100 from Yandles recently on a special offer. I know that Draper have quality issues but the expert is not a bad little machine although not probably up to Trade use.
CraigyCraigo":2fmxvypc said:
When i get the cash sorted for me it shall be the Trend T11 with the quick change kit

Be prepared for some modifications if you have a Trend table.

I asked the question only this week to the Trend tec department, if you want to use the quick fit clamps, using the Trend T11 router in the Trend router table, you have to re-drill the table insert plate.

I was amazed all products from the same stable, and the user has to carry out modifications, or maybe I should have expected it. (hammer)

Take care.

Chris R.
+1 1/2" Triton - designed with table use in mind and it shows

Preferred in my table over the Dewalt I also own

If you're interested, I have a new 1/2" Hitachi I should sell (says her indoors)
Thanks for all the replies, Sorry for the delay in my response, have been off indulging my other hobby, Standing by a big puddle chucking fluff and stupid fish.... And they fall for it every time :)

I will read up on those models mentioned.
Sorry Pete, didn't know you'd contacted me :-(

*I tried replying to your pm, but the message is just sat in my outbox so you will get this again at some point*
*And so is the second attempt - methinks something needs rebooting perhaps*

Its not a Bosch router (she doesn't have that much say - between me and you)

Its a Hitachi M12VE if you're still interested - I paid £130, so that's what I would ask



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