I need some advise about what is important when buying a router for a table. I am only a novice. I am looking at 1/2" routers because I already have a small router for hand held. I want a router that can handle larger cutters like a raised door panel bit or finger joint bit. I need a router with variable speed right? I want the router to have some dust extraction so my garage doesn't keep getting covered in dust. I have a 1/2" makita router but its horribly loud and no dust extraction or variable speed so I want to replace it. Can a router be powerful and quiet(well not realllly loud)? I would like a router that isn't going to piss off the neighbours too much. Any recommendations of routers? will a festool 1400 be powerful enough for larger router bits? It is pricey tho i would only get one 2nd hand. I favor dewalt normally.
Many thanks Dave
Many thanks Dave