Figured I should update this.... Finished the "updates" to the WB AGS arbor/flanges/etc. Things take a surprising amount of time when you can't really chance messing something up.

Also, I'm in the middle of stripping all the cabinets of the nasty green paint and that seems to take forever as well. My theory is this is the one time this is ever going to happen for this saw so I might as well do it right. Using a mix of the lame chemical paint stripper we have available these days and a media blast cabinet. I've also fabricated a "floor" for the saw as it was open before. I'm eventually going to fab a blade flask for dust management, but that is a semi-complex thing given the way the internal bits are arranged, so I fabricated an external dust port and I'm going to try and close the cabinet up as much as possible for now.
I've also started painting the internal/trunnion bits and some various small pieces which I was able to get fully stripped so far. Interior is going to be white (really liked the idea of being able to actually see what is going on inside). Outside is going to be a mix of the earlier Wadkin gloss dark grey with all the various attached bits satin black.
For the arbor ended up doing the following in the effort to make the saw as accurate as possible.
1. Cleaned up the inner blade flange which was a mess.
2. Cleaned up the Dado nut, which was a mess as well from being monkeyed with a pin spanner that didn't fit
3. Fabbed custom pin "spanners" for the inner flange and dado nut. they are custom sizes since the holes on both were so destroyed
4. fabbed an inner spacer for the bearings that is .002 smaller than the outside spacer in an effort to provide some "preload" to the bearings.
5. Fabricated a pair of custom 12" blade flange/adaptors. This saw can run 12 inch blades and wanted a way to swap them in with zero fuss/effort.
6. Made a custom fit bearing putter-onner. The bearings are a strong interference fit on this arbor and wanted to get them on without screwing them up.
7. Outside original flange was a mess as well, so lapped that on a surface plate.
On to other bits now. In theory all I really have to do is finish stripping the cabinet and painting then reassembly, but I'm going to fabricate a riving knife assembly and do some work on upgrading the fence a bit, so while it will be back together it won't necessarily be done.
(Also, I put a "wanted" ad up in the classified section of the site. Looking for a couple bits. Main one currently is an older AGS style trunnion capture ghib plate and the casting that retains it. If you happen to have these bits spare I would be interested in chatting!)