Axminster Router Lifter - first impressions

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23 Jun 2010
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Hereford and Saintes (France)
Hi everyone. I'm a new member, although I've been dipping in & out of this forum for years. Now that I've at last reached a point where I have the time & facilities to do some "proper" woodworking, I thought it was time I contributed something. I'm conscious that this message may be a bit long - apologies if you get too bored to finish it!

My first project was a simple TV stand/cupboard made of MDF and then painted. This was relatively successful, and I'm now making a linen press, based on a French Armoire - drawings done on Sketchup - one of things I've learnt about on this forum.

To keep weight down, I've been making up panels using a Stile & Rail cutter set in my Triton router (set in a Triton Router table). Despite all my efforts, there has been some variation in the depth of cut, and as a result there is often a small step between stile & rail.

I think this is caused partly by my inexperience, but partly by some flex in the pressed steel router mounting plate. Whatever, I decided to invest in the Axminster Router Lift, bought in a package with a DeWalt 625EK router, with the intention of making up a router table which will fit in my Triton workcentre (with the maxi sliding table, this should give me plenty of flexibility to handle he occasional large panel). I hope that this will be much more stable, and give me accurate & repeatable cuts. I just need to start thinking about the design of the table now!!

The lifter appears well designed and made - I've only tried it out of a table so far, but it raises & lowers smoothly & I can see that accurate setting up should be a breeze. It is fixed into the router table with just two screws, so it's going to be very important that I ensure that there is no movement via the levelling screws - the fixing screws will not stop any rocking. I would have thought that three or four fixing screws would have produced a fixing into the table that is far more stable.

I bought the lifter in a package with a Dewalt 625EK router partly because my current Triton router would not fit the universal base supplied. I assumed that as a package, the Dewalt offering would fit without problems.

This turned out not to be the case. The mounting plate is based on the Trend unibase. The Dewalt router base has three
holes for attaching to the mounting plate, but I could only get two of these line up with the many holes on the mounting plate. A phone call to Axminster prompted an email with a fitting chart, from which it became clear that only two holes are meant to line up.

These two holes are offset from the centre line of the router, so when it is inverted in the table it will have a tendency to fall away from the unsupported side. This is a heavy piece of kit, and with a long bit attached I guess that some considerable side / twisting force could be generated - all taken on these two screws.

Presumably everything's strong enough to counter this, but I've taken the precaution of getting a third hole drilled in the plate, to get all three mounting screws fitted.

My other slight gripe is that the package did not include the mounting screws. Fortunately, I tried to assemble this before returning to France, so had time to sort it out. In fairness, a quick call to Axminster produced two Trend Fixing Kits, sent as a gesture of goodwill.

Problem sorted? Not quite. The screws stand slightly proud of the counterbores in the mounting plate. As this mates against a face in the carrier mechanism, the router, with it's offset two screws (my additional screw is countersunk), does not sit vertically in the tilter.

The only solution seems to be to grind / file down the mounting screws - Axminster couldn't come up with anything else.

I had expected that buying these items as a package would mean a trouble free installation. Axminster seem to have put these two items together without checking that everything fits together, however, which is a bit disappointing. That said, I can't fault their customer service, and efforts to resolve the mounting problem.

So, that's my story so far - I'll update my thoughts as soon as I get the time to design and make the router table, and give the kit a proper test.

Sorry if this has been a bit of a ramble, but hopefully it will help anyone else considering this purchase.
Interesting, 'cos I've seen this raiser recently and was impressed. I intend to get one later on and fit my Trend T11 to it...just hoping that I won't encounter the same sort of niggles 8-[ Keep us posted of developments please.

Welcome to the forum btw - Rob
Hi Brother Binary
Welcome to the forum.
It is always good to hear of someone elses experience of any Kit. To understand the problems is being forewarned and can be a great help to anyone thinking of buying the same.
So many thanks for posting.

woodbloke":1nf7d75v said:
Interesting, 'cos I've seen this raiser recently and was impressed. I intend to get one later on and fit my Trend T11 to it...just hoping that I won't encounter the same sort of niggles 8-[ Keep us posted of developments please.

Welcome to the forum btw - Rob

I must be missing something here - the T11 has above table height adjustment built in so why would you wamnt to mount it in a raiser ???
Hi BB!

I too have the axi lift and fitted a DW625 to it, but i found a position that enabled me to get three mounting screws in without the need to modify the plate. I used csk machine screws that I had to saw and file to size.
I am really happy with the lift, and combined with an Xtreme Xtension has transformed my router table and the ease and accuracy of use.
The only problem I have encountered is that despite using extraction, any dust that is on the table top seems to find its way into the hole that you insert the adjusting handle so that when it gets full I cant get the handle in any more and I have to have a dig and suck in the hole to clear it again!
big soft moose":2qctg4zv said:
woodbloke":2qctg4zv said:
Interesting, 'cos I've seen this raiser recently and was impressed. I intend to get one later on and fit my Trend T11 to it...just hoping that I won't encounter the same sort of niggles 8-[ Keep us posted of developments please.

Welcome to the forum btw - Rob

I must be missing something here - the T11 has above table height adjustment built in so why would you wamnt to mount it in a raiser ???
Agreed, but the action is jerky/snatchy on the T11 and not as good as it's cracked up to be. Turning the handle supplied with the T11 also takes a fair time to raise and lower the collet as well - Rob
flounder":1xbk1ylv said:
The only problem I have encountered is that despite using extraction, any dust that is on the table top seems to find its way into the hole that you insert the adjusting handle so that when it gets full I cant get the handle in any more and I have to have a dig and suck in the hole to clear it again!

So drop some childs putty in there when not in use,pick it out when you need access. :)
Brother Binary":5d530obg said:
Sorry if this has been a bit of a ramble, but hopefully it will help anyone else considering this purchase.

You do realise you were only saving £4 as the dewalt is on offer anyway.
Thanks everyone. Flounder, you must have more patience than me - I tried for ages to find 3 holes to line up. I presume that csk screws are countersunk (?) - that would save me from filing down the heads on the screws I have, but is it OK to use them in non countersunk holes?

Glad to hear that you're pleased with the set-up.

I don't know how to add quotes (are there instructions anywhere?), but no, Russioan Roulette, I didn't realise I was only saving £4! I was about to add that I was more interested in buying kit that fitted together properly than price, but as I've just heard on the radio that I'm going to have to wait an extra year to get my state pension, I guess that I need to make as many savings as possible!
BB,to quote a post....

Hold the left mouse down over the beginning of the text then drag the mouse ove the text,it will turn blue(ooer!) then press quote above were it says "default"

Or just press the quote button within the forum to the right of the screen.
RussianRouter":32i7mg52 said:
BB,to quote a post....

Hold the left mouse down over the beginning of the text then drag the mouse ove the text,it will turn blue(ooer!) then press quote above were it says "default"

Or just press the quote button within the forum to the right of the screen.

Thanks George - I've tried this using your second suggestion which works fine. When I try your first method (having already clicked on "reply") I just get "quote", but not the selected text.

In due course, I'll probably want to add photos, sketchup shots etc - again I don't know how to do this - is there an idiots guide anywhere on the forum (or elsewhere?). I presume I click on "img" but I'm not sure where I go from there.

You click the image tag twice like this.... then insert where the image is coming from within the image tags.

Like this....

Make sure there's no spaces.

You can't upload the pics direct to here on UK Workshop,it has to be on another site where you upload images to ie a free hostng site or your own?

The faq's are here.
woodbloke":3t93cbrr said:
big soft moose":3t93cbrr said:
woodbloke":3t93cbrr said:
Interesting, 'cos I've seen this raiser recently and was impressed. I intend to get one later on and fit my Trend T11 to it...just hoping that I won't encounter the same sort of niggles 8-[ Keep us posted of developments please.

Welcome to the forum btw - Rob

I must be missing something here - the T11 has above table height adjustment built in so why would you wamnt to mount it in a raiser ???
Agreed, but the action is jerky/snatchy on the T11 and not as good as it's cracked up to be. Turning the handle supplied with the T11 also takes a fair time to raise and lower the collet as well - Rob

I use (tip picked up from paulM) a socket mounted in a rechargeable drill, then just fine tune by hand
I think I'm coming round to the idea that the fundage might be wasted on the Ax raiser Moose, so i may well adopt a similar sort of thing. I was thinking about getting one of those nut spinner thingies (part of a socket set) from Halfords that would do the same job and be a lot cheaper, I might also invest in a new Ax ali router insert table plate instead. I have though, just ordered an Extreme Extension for the router in the table. I saw one in use at YOKB and was mightily impressed at how quickly and easily cutters can be changed in the table - Rob
woodbloke":2fwj2hnb said:
I think I'm coming round to the idea that the fundage might be wasted on the Ax raiser Moose, so i may well adopt a similar sort of thing. I was thinking about getting one of those nut spinner thingies (part of a socket set) from Halfords that would do the same job and be a lot cheaper, I might also invest in a new Ax ali router insert table plate instead. I have though, just ordered an Extreme Extension for the router in the table. I saw one in use at YOKB and was mightily impressed at how quickly and easily cutters can be changed in the table - Rob

I like the T11 lift!

I can't fit a socket to mine, as I got the plate drilled out to minimum clearance for the supplied one (17.5mm diameter, I think), so I'm going to make a clip-on crank handle for the plastic knob to speed things up.

I wouldn't want to use a separate moving chassis - partly for rigidity and partly as the T11 can be set up to allow bit changes through the top (just about!). I don't like the idea of 'collet extensions'for safety and accuracy also to minimise top bearing wear (though mine only gets hobby use).
Eric The Viking":2z6cl301 said:
I don't like the idea of 'collet extensions'for safety and accuracy also to minimise top bearing wear (though mine only gets hobby use).

This particular device was fitted to the router table at Tom's YOKB and was thoroughly recommended by the chap (name forgotten) who took over (I believe) the Roy Sutton franchise. He's a professional woodworker running a series of courses on routing, so I have every faith that it'll do what it says on the tin - Rob
Are we not forgetting that you will still have to go under the table to lock the shaft/collet in position while we change the cutter?

Apparently not,it pays to have a lookat the product first.

Certainly not happy with that product,heavens grub screws are not made of good metal material and have a tendancy to shear in the allen screw slot.
Can Isuggest that anyone purchasing these router bit extenders,that you route a straight flute rebate in a piece of wood as per normal and then route another rebate with the extender in the router.

See if both rebates measure identical the width of the rebate as far a I know if you extend a shaft somewhat there is a tendancy for the the shaft to diplace some centrifugal axis movement from side to side depending how good the motors beaings have been made.

Just letting you know. :)