Auto feed for the spindle moulder

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Established Member
30 Sep 2005
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I bought this off Matt a while ago and set it up today to run off a load of window stiles i need .

WHAT A TOOL !!!! (hammer) (hammer) (hammer) (hammer) (hammer)



A couple of questions if i may .......
Sometimes the wheels slip on the timber and dont push it through , not very often , say 1 in 30 but is there something i can do about it other than more wax on the table .
Is there a Scritcover in production i can copy ? :lol:

You know you only wanted it so you could hog off 4 inches in one pass :wink:

The wheels on mine slip all the time and I think it's because the unit is quite old. When I was down at eh Axminster shop, I had a look at the wheels on a new one and they were so grippy. It's a TUIT of mine to get some new wheels and/or replace it as the one I have is the wrong size I reckon for my moulder.

Thats the point isnt it ? wax on the table so the timber slides and the wheels grip .
The other possibilities are that the urethane tyres are getting hard, which they do with age - that means replacement - or that they've picked up oil/grease/wax and need cleaning, in which case a quick wipe with a clean, well washed rag dampened with isopropyl alcohol may do the trick, although be careful about using the stuff as it can attack the material the tyres are made from

"Scritcover" :lol: Like it :wink:

Will Fosters do ?
Matt sold me the machine at such a bargin price i think i can run to new wheels ....erm where do i get them from then ?
Does 1 in 30 slips mean it needs new wheels ?
JFC":20d6zf6u said:
Will Fosters do ?
Errrrr......... NO! (not enough alcohol)

JFC":20d6zf6u said:
Matt sold me the machine at such a bargain price I think I can run to new wheels ....erm where do I get them from then ?
If Quick Fit haven't got any you could always try Scott & Sargent or Blundells

JFC":20d6zf6u said:
Does 1 in 30 slips mean it needs new wheels ?
I dunno. Personally I'd try cleaning them first

JFC":kjrizdof said:
Theres an echo in here :lol:
Nah! You're imagining things :oops: (gotta reach Alf's post figure somehow......... :roll: )
:lol: You changed it . I'll try cleaning them first then or less wax . To be honest i think it's probably something to do with the timber as one will slip but the next load go through fine .
I take it you removed the guard for illustration purposes?

The power feed is the gaurd . I will be making a Scritgaurd tomorrow to cover the cutter block and help with dust extraction but to be honest you have to be pretty bloody stupid to put your hand around the back of a power feed . Thats the point of the feed , your hands don't go near the machine .

I was cleaning the rubber wheels on the old tape-recorder that was not "pulling", with Acetone, it was removing nicely all the oil/grease from the rubber wheel and "repairing" the tape recorder.

Maybe, it can work on your wheels...

I'd give them a clean with a meths soaked rag first and a slight buff with a bit of glasspaper to remove any surface glazing. Don't use any more meths afte the buff and it shoulkd be rejuvinated!
JFC":ki45lxnu said:
:lol: You changed it . I'll try cleaning them first then or less wax . To be honest i think it's probably something to do with the timber as one will slip but the next load go through fine .
I take it you removed the guard for illustration purposes?

The power feed is the gaurd . I will be making a Scritgaurd tomorrow to cover the cutter block and help with dust extraction but to be honest you have to be pretty bloody stupid to put your hand around the back of a power feed . Thats the point of the feed , your hands don't go near the machine .

Surely you need some sort of guard to hook the extraction up to, or do you prefer the sawdust everywhere look. :lol:
There is actually less problems with the shavings without the extractor but i will be attaching something just incase i have an idiot moment .
I'm glad you finally got it setup Jason!
Glad to hear it is working well too.
Now you can try out all those cutters you always wondered what they were made for :lol: :lol:
Cheers Matt , a blinding bit of kit ! I can now drink beer and use the spindle in complete safety :twisted:

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