At it again

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Lead flashing looks a very neat job,Alan - was that your work as well?
Whole thing looks great,and the shingles make the whole structure blend in particularly well with the existing house.

Thanks Andrew. :D yes the lead flashing was my work too and the first time I had tackled this sort of thing. (Have fitted straight flashing but not the stepped pattern) I agree with you that those shingles really set the job off. I always recommend them on an outdoor build as they look good and are much lighter than tiles or slates. They do blend in well too. Customer is well happy with the outcome. :D
At long last it is finally finished. I got all the glass I had been waiting for installed today:

Now the owner can lie in his tub and watch the stars with his G&T:

Looks like I will have more work with this customer too as he stated he will have more work for me in the New year. ;D
Top notch job Mailee - The inside of the roof looks good too :) (though I can't help thinking it would be a good place to store some planks)
although not having tried it myself I can't help wondering why people want to have a bath outside.

The outside is fine, especially with a member of the opposite sex and a bottle of champagne - it's doing it in full view of the neighbours that gets me!