Ash Forms

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Established Member
29 Oct 2008
Reaction score
Norfolk, near the sea.
I had a bit of Ash kicking around on the bench waiting for me to do something with it, it was absolutely bone dry so with no fear of it moving I thought I would investigate the 'beaker' shaped forms Mr. Sanger makes as they do have a lovely modern look to them(sorry for copying Mark :oops:)

The first is just 3" tall without the finial. The finial is ebonised Apple and I know its too busy but I need to do fiddly skew work as I tend to avoid the skew at all costs and the only way to get better with it is use the damned thing!

This one is 6" tall with an ebonised top and a Beech stopper done in a stepped pyramid style. I'm not so happy with the flow of the sides of this one.

Comments/critique as always most appreciated :)

Hi Johnny,

Number 1 - Very nice, very very nice.

I think number 2 is a bit wide at the base, but i love the quirky finial.

Nearly a year now turning isn't it Johnny ? - These pictures suggest years and years..............

The first one lokks great JT but I'd agree that the 2nd is perhaps a lkittle too parallel on the sides. Finial are tricky so & so's and I think Marks way of doing them is a clever way of eliminating all the hassle. though carving them as he does is another ball game. I got to grips with the skew by making rolling pins. Found that after a few it suddenly clicked.

Keep 'em coming

Love the form of the first one but the finial is a bit wacky for me. Does it even need a finial?

the form of the 2nd one is a little clunky.
Thanks guys :D. I'm glad Loz said base too wide on No.2 as thats exactly what I thought :D Although i think the curve on this one would work well on one that was much taller.

Wizer it is OTT but as I said was mainly horrible catchy skew practice :shock:

loz":2jc0j7gx said:
Nearly a year now turning isn't it Johnny ?

11 months almost to the day Loz :lol: ,you've a good memory there mate :lol:

I'd better go do some work, I'm already an hour late :shock: :lol:

Almost been turning for twelve months and doing MS pieces :shock: :lol:
I like both forms JT,though the finials do spoil em for me.
Love the colour of the Ash and the straight grain that sort of makes them look longer for me:?
Get rid of the finials and just put a small knob on,or do some more of your carving :D
Any chance of a piccy with the tops off :?:
I like them both Johnny, the first more so.

I think the finials are a bit too fussy for such simple pleasing forms, but then what do i know :roll: :D
Johnny t wrote
Why do you think they spoil them? Too big? Just naff?
I just don't think that they suit the forms.
But this is just my opinion.
When i get to this stage i will show what i mean :shock: :lol: :lol:
Hi Johnny,

I think one of the reasons you have progressed so well with your turning is that you are critical of yourself. The critisms that I would put to you about these two items, you have already pointed out yourself (finial too busy and form/curve on no2 not quite right) This just shows your mind works in the right way to move you forward.

Well done,

For me Chas has got it spot on, nice simple finials that compliment the forms.

Impressive photo cropping skills Chas, completely lost on a chap who has yet to work a camera properly :oops: :oops:
Doug B":1xw9o9xf said:
.....Impressive photo cropping skills Chas, ...
Not really Doug, a very crude rendering but just enough to get the point across.
CHJ":2emzht90 said:
Doug B":2emzht90 said:
.....Impressive photo cropping skills Chas, ...
Not really Doug, a very crude rendering but just enough to get the point across.

Thats it Chas, make me feel even more inferior about my photographic skills than i did before :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Like anyone could :roll: :roll:
I like what Chas has done with the first one. Finials are all well and good but not always necessary. A button is sometimes all that's required.
It's not really anything to do with photography Doug, JPG digital pictures are made up of a series of little coloured squares it's just a case of moving a few of them around like painting or staining a bit of wood.


Sorry for going off track in your thread JT.
You butcher Chas!!! :lol: :lol:

The finial on the first is too busy as I've said but changing it for a button top would take much away from the piece. The idea here is that the form itself is very basic/simple and therefore the finial contrasts in both colour from the pale Ash and in shape(see there is method and thought behind my madness :lol: I'm not just trying to stick finials on everything).

The second one doesn't want a big finial,for me the black top already gives it a look of interest but it does need something to finish it off, hence the stepped stopper. I guess a spherical topped stopper would look good but may make it look more utilitarian like a storage jar or something,which is not what I was trying to achieve.

I'm not trying to convince anyone here but thought it best to share with you my thoughts behind the way they have ended up. All of your input and thoughts are very much appreciated and these discussions very helpful :D

cheers JT
Johnny, no problems with what you are doing here, they are your creations and your 'out loud' thought streams so to speak.

Just playing devils advocate with you really, as you might guess I'm not into finials that look to me as though they have been turned 'just because I can' so to speak.
CHJ":324fhvoj said:
......finials that look to me as though they have been turned 'just because I can' so to speak.

Its more that they look good on certain things, than have been done to show how clever I am. TBH non turners like them more than turners(at least based on SWMBOs visiting mates)

Anyway Paul wanted topless pictures :lol: So as promised...

Much nicer, just experiment with different finials or knobs ;)