Are you thinking about getting a Festool MFT 3?

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Richard S":8tvmip9t said:
About time you paid for your adverts
I would love to have a genuine Domiplate, but as a hobbyist/diyer, over 100 USD form seneca is out of the question so if chippy can provide something similar at a fraction of the price then I think he's providing a great service to this community and that should be encouraged
pcb1962":zvztwpvi said:
Richard S":zvztwpvi said:
About time you paid for your adverts
I would love to have a genuine Domiplate, but as a hobbyist/diyer, over 100 USD form seneca is out of the question so if chippy can provide something similar at a fraction of the price then I think he's providing a great service to this community and that should be encouraged
Thanks :)
pcb1962":1m34ln8k said:
Richard S":1m34ln8k said:
About time you paid for your adverts
I would love to have a genuine Domiplate, but as a hobbyist/diyer, over 100 USD form seneca is out of the question so if chippy can provide something similar at a fraction of the price then I think he's providing a great service to this community and that should be encouraged

I'm sorry you can't afford something you desire, but there are two points here. One is the hijacking of threads ( this isn't the only one ) by someone promoting there own business interests. But also that interest involves a plagiarised product, I assume you don't run your own business, I'm sure you would feel differently if you did and somebody copied your product and undercut you. It's not on, on both counts as much as anything do you want it to open the floodgates for every member here to start hijacking threads to try and promote there own interests, how long before we have people joining to do just that with no interest at all in what the forum stands for. At least Chippy has an interest and contributes elsewhere, this is not a personal dig at him but I don't want to see every thread hijacked in this way. I'm sure in his heart of hearts he knows he's taking a liberty.

As it happens, I started this thread, as I was interested in alternative ways of using a Festool track saw, if folk couldn't afford an MFT. I do have an MFT, but I still put forward a few alternatives, both to the table and a Festool track-saw.

That was taken up by Stu and his idea for a worktop. I suppose it was then that the thread was 'hijacked' (if you can call it that) because Stu was inundated with requests for his worktops. I bought one myself, to use in conjunction with the MFT I have.

I have not made any complaint about the 'hijacking', because I felt the direction it had taken was a natural evolution if you like, and was helpful to other members.


I think it's some way off to call it a plagiarised product. It's a sheet of MDF with holes in it. The MFT is somewhat different. It's a bit like saying nobody should make a table as that is copying what ikea produce. If you use the MFT as an example then couldn't that be said to copy a work bench as that has holes in it and legs and things for holding work in position.

The MFT really works with the rail on the flip down arm. Where's Stu's wood with holes in it need some part dogs to make it work for square cuts. They aren't made by festool so it's hardly copying the MFT3 table.
Richard S":344c547x said:
I'm sorry you can't afford something you desire
I don't need your condolences thank you, I'm not short of a few quid. Doesn't the fact I have a Domino that isn't a tool of my trade tell you that?

Richard S":344c547x said:
that interest involves a plagiarised product
Then why aren't you complaining about the existence of this entire thread? Who decides what products are ok to copy and sell here and which aren't?

Richard S":344c547x said:
I assume you don't run your own business
Wrong, please stop making assumptions about me.

Richard S":344c547x said:
I'm sure you would feel differently if you did and somebody copied your product and undercut you.
If I could buy a Domiplate from Axminster or Rutlands I would have done so years ago. Fact is I'm not prepared to buy an item from the US that doubles in price once shipping and customs charges are added and whose price therefore ends up out of all proportion to its usefulness to me.
pcb1962":3ufswuci said:
Richard S":3ufswuci said:
I'm sorry you can't afford something you desire
I don't need your condolences thank you, I'm not short of a few quid. Doesn't the fact I have a Domino that isn't a tool of my trade tell you that?

Richard S":3ufswuci said:
that interest involves a plagiarised product
Then why aren't you complaining about the existence of this entire thread? Who decides what products are ok to copy and sell here and which aren't?

Richard S":3ufswuci said:
I assume you don't run your own business
Wrong, please stop making assumptions about me.

Richard S":3ufswuci said:
I'm sure you would feel differently if you did and somebody copied your product and undercut you.
If I could buy a Domiplate from Axminster or Rutlands I would have done so years ago. Fact is I'm not prepared to buy an item from the US that doubles in price once shipping and customs charges are added and whose price therefore ends up out of all proportion to its usefulness to me.

Still doesn't make it right! My point really refers to the knock off Domiplate and it's makers serial attempts to market it to UKW members by dragging up old threads as well as adding links to current threads like this. If you can't see the harm that this could do to the forum if ignored or even encouraged then you are in danger of getting the forum that you deserve.
Guys...lets not get too wound up about the issue of copying. Roger does however make a reasonable point about the commercial side though. Now, I know this is very delicate territory because many of you professionals who are dam good at making very useful jig bits n bobs as part of your daily activity provide very useful and insightful advice to the membership of this forum. This is clearly demonstrated by the folks being prepared to stick their necks out and support Chippy. But......on the other hand, the rules (I can hear the cringing starting) about refraining from using the forum to promote goods for sale are also reasonable and valid.

The logic runs something like this:

The forum is not free to operate, neither in terms of money nor efforts. All administration and moderation efforts are donated free of charge. Membership is free of charge. Somehow, those running costs have to be met or the economics of the enterprise stop working. The membership that benefits from all this effort is an advertising guru's wet dream in that it is a highly targeted, narrow niche, special interest group. In other words its folks that just love woodworking. So anybody with a desire to sell something woody will likely find lots of buyers here! I would love to know what it costs to run an advert in say....Furniture & Cabinetmaking magazine?

Let me state that again....the forum is not free to operate. I therefore ask the reasonable question.

Is it fair that those who benefit commercially by accessing this niche audience, should be entitled to do so without making a modest contribution to the running costs of the forum?

I know of no other enterprise on the planet that through its own investment has galvanised a valuable media with a special interest group that doesn't charge a commercial beneficiary for access to that audience?

The premier post advert scheme is a perfectly reasonable and fair solution to that scenario. It levies a modest fee to the advertiser and really highlights their product/service. It's not a rip off. Not even close and I think those folks who use the forum to derive commercial benefit should maybe ruminate on the ethics of their position a little. Remember, the forum is not cost free to operate, yet membership is free!

I'll say no more except perhaps to point out that if commercial activity went completely unchecked, the membership would soon tire of relentless sales pitches and it would spiral out of control. Balance is the key here. The judicious use of signature lines is a helpful place to consider. I suggest folks have a re-read of the commercial rules to re-acquaint themselves with the boundaries.

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I don't know if the domiplate has been patented. if it hasn't anyone can copy, and patent it themselves. AFAIK plagiarism applies only to patented, or copyrighted works.

There have been plenty of instances where one inventor has patented another's idea, because the originator didn't bother. I believe Edison was a serial 'offender'; Swan and the electric light-bulb being a notable instance. To be fair to Edison, he usually improved on the designs he 'borrowed;.
Oliver88":3kmng2dv said:
Hi Stu i would be interested in a MFT top for the keter if you are still making them , regards Oliver
Evening Oliver

I'm afraid I'm unable to make any more for a while, probably until Autumn/Winter, at least.

To be honest, I didn't plan for it to turn into a money-making exercise, and under-estimated demand. In the end, I just couldn't fit it all in, so have had to knock it on the head for now.

If it helps, Nuts & Bolts are currently offering the 1165 x 725 mm Festool top (part # 489396) for £65.50 + delivery, here. Their shipping cost was about £3.50 to me (Berkshire), which is cheap for something of that size and weight.


Benchwayze":ycwcwgqc said:
I don't know if the domiplate has been patented. if it hasn't anyone can copy, and patent it themselves. AFAIK plagiarism applies only to patented, or copyrighted works.

There have been plenty of instances where one inventor has patented another's idea, because the originator didn't bother. I believe Edison was a serial 'offender'; Swan and the electric light-bulb being a notable instance. To be fair to Edison, he usually improved on the designs he 'borrowed;.
has anyone made a domiplate?

just asking?

Stu, are you still producing Mft-like tops? I want to replace the top of my existing workbench which is 1600mm x 1000mm. I'm in Kent so could pick it up. Thanks, Martin
Not wanting to tread on any toes here, or be any part of illegal plagiarising activities, but I am planning to get a top cnc'd for my self, maybe I could get more than one done while I'm at it?
That would be great for me. We cannot be far apart so perhaps could discuss. No idea if you can or how to exchange phone numbers? Martin
Certainly an idea - I am not sure how stable that might be in practice as I don't think you can have a 'floor' underneath ear supporting as you do with the mats. I was looking at the website of a company in Lewes who say they specialise in CNC in wood including msg. I am sure there are others but it might be worth talking to them to see if there is any advantage in having the standardised floor mat approach or just CNC standard holes and spacing in boards to suit each persons requirements?

I'm happy to talk to the firm to see what the options are and report back on this forum?

Any idea what thickness of mdf is best? We obviously want it thick to be stable: not too thick so as not to take part dogs; not so thick as to be too heavy for those (probably not me) who want a mobile work table.

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